Chapter 2

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   Shane, Zelda, and Klunk, and Ash materialize by the house after dropping off Ash. "Oh, my eyes. I really need to remember that it's night in New Orleans when it's day in France, and vice versa," says Zelda, rubbing her eyes. "How do you deal with it, Shane?" asks Klunk. Shane shrugs and says, "Eh. After doing it for just under twenty years, my eyes adjust in advance. Don't ask me how, they just do." He walks up to the door and knocks. "Who is it?" asks Charlene from behind it. "Watch this," Shane whispers. He changes his appearance to look like Vince De Vil. "It's Cree and Vince. We're here to take back the pup," he says. "What? No! Shane and I have already grown so attached to our little Shadow!" "You named her Shadow? My stars, you must be colorblind or something. Look this is important, Charlene." "Where's Cree? How come I don't hear her? And how did you find out where I live? And how do you know my name?" Shane transforms back into himself and laughs. "You got me, Char," he says. Charlene laughs along with him. "Aren't you gonna come in?" Shane chuckles awkwardly. "Don't have the key," he says. Charlene sighs. "Why didn't you just teleport into the house?" "Char, sometimes I don't do things and don't know why." The door opens. "See, now you two have a great relationship," says Klunk.

   The trio enters the house and sits on the couch. "I hope you all are hungry. Cause I made burgers!" says Charlene. She sets a large plate of burgers on the living room table. "No, thanks. I'm not hungry," says Zelda. "I'm stuffed. I ate way too much in France," says Klunk. Cherlene looks at Shane with a big smile on her face. Shane's already holding two burgers, one in each hand. Charlene's face turns to one of confusion. "How did you...?" Shane takes a bite out of one burger. "I haven't eaten in two days," he says with his mouth full. Zelda stifles a laugh. "How do they taste?" she asks Shane. "Amazing! Unlike any other burgers I've ever had before!" says Shane, still chewing on a bit of burger. "Shane, in the relatively short time I've known you, I've never seen you eat anything other than beignets," says Klunk. Shane finishes the first burger. "I eat other things, Klunk," he says. "When he's really hungry, but there's no beignets around," Charlene mutters to Zelda. Zelda lets out a small giggle. Shane rolls his eyes and starts the second burger.

   There's a knock on the backyard door. "Ooh! Our underwater friends are here!" says Charlene. "Good, maybe they can help with eating these burgers before they get cold," says Shane, taking another bite from the burger. Charlene walks over to the backyard door and opens it. "Allara!" "Charlene!" They share a hug. "Nice to see you! Oh, where's Sully?" Allara gestures to behind the couch, where a pillar of water appears. Once it disappears, Sully stands where it was. He taps Shane's shoulder. Shane instinctively summons a shadow orb and faces Sully, ready to attack him. He stops once he realizes. "Oh, Sully! Dude, don't scare me like that! You almost got blasted," he says. Sully chuckle awkwardly. "Good to see you, too," he says. "Sully! My man!" says Klunk. Sully looks at Klunk, then lets out a haughty laugh. "Klunk! Dude didn't even see you there! I thought you were a lump on the couch!" They do a special handshake. They are bros, after all. Allara notices Zelda. "Who's that?" she asks. "Oh, that's Rapunzel and Eugene's daughter, Zelda," answers Charlene. Allara gasps. "Wait, the Zelda?!" "Yeah, how many other Zeldas do you know?" Allara runs past Charlene and over to Zelda. Her words came out like rapid fire. "I am so honored to meet you! I've heard so many good things about you! Your mother is amazing! And your father, too! How's Pascal doing? What about the horse? Sorry, I can't remember his name. Did you ever meet Mother Gothel?"

   "Whoa! Okay, settle down! One step at a time!" Zelda exclaims. "What's your name, pretty ginger?" Allara looks at Sully and mouths, "She thinks I'm pretty!" She looks back at Zelda and takes a deep breath. "Uh, my name is Allara. I'm the daughter of Ariel and Eric," she says. "Ah, nice to meet you, Allara," says Zelda. "Quick question, can you turn into a mermaid at will, if at all? Or does it only happen in water?" Allara smiles. "I can turn into a mermaid. I just choose not to," she answers. Sully raises his hand. "Just gonna throw this out there: I'm Sully, son of Ursula, and I can turn into an octopus at will," he says. "Nice to meet you, too, Sully," says Zelda. "Well, that's good to know, Allara. If you'd like, whenever you're available, I'd love to sing with you one day." Allara nearly faints. Fortunately, Sully catches her in time. "Zelda wants to sing with me," says Allara, entranced. Zelda raises an eyebrow and looks at Shane. "Was it something I said?" she asks. "I guess she's just a huge fan of yours," Shane answers. Allara leans against Sully. "I'm sorry, Zelda," she says. "Shane's right. I am a huge fan. Why, of all other Hero Kids, would you want to sing with me?" "I've heard you've got an angelic voice from many of the people I send to your parents' kingdom for supplies," Zelda answers. Allara's face goes bright red. "Well, with my mother being Ariel, I guess I learned it from her," she says.

   Sully notices the burgers. "Heck yes! Food! I'm starving!" He grabs a couple of burgers from the plate. Allara snaps out of her Zelda-fan craze and grabs a burger, as well. Charlene sits on the couch next to Shane. "So what brings you two here?" she asks Sully and Allara. "Well, as you know, I'm a part of the UHKs, United Hero Kids," says Allara. "And like the UHKs, the HVKs are doing heroic acts all around the world," says Sully, with his mouth full. "I'm listening," says Shane. "We figured that because your one of the closest HVKs to Delia and Emily, you could try and help us form an alliance. A formal alliance with the UHKs," says Allara. Shane strokes his beard. By the way, Shane has a beard now. "Hmm, I don't know. It sounds like a good idea, but I feel like the HVKs are doing just fine at the moment. I'll think about it, though," he says. "Great!" says Sully. "Hey, it's late. If none of you are in any rush to get home, You're welcome to spend the night," says Charlene. Klunk is already asleep on the couch. His snoring sounds like thunder. Zelda chuckles. "Looks like Klunk already made his decision," she says. "I'll take any chance to hang out with my dude," says Sully. "And I'm assuming you ladies are also staying?" says Shane. "Klunk and I are a package deal," says Zelda. "And I don't really go anywhere without my Sully," says Allara. "Alright, then. We've got a few guest bedrooms upstairs," says Shane. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go and catch some much needed Zs." Charlene and the others say goodnight to Shane as he heads upstairs.

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