Chapter 33: Jocelyn

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   "Where is she?!" Jocelyn screamed in anger. Not a single villain in the Villain Society has seen her. She hadn't left wherever her house was. Markus was searching for Shane, the HVK's were searching for Shane, everyone was searching but Clara. Why wasn't she searching?! Her best friend was in danger! And she wasn't searching! "You are never going to get her Jocelyn! Let it go! Please!" Jamie said from the side. Jocelyn turned to him, "Shut it!" She went over to the throne and sat down. Jana was chained on one side of it but she had a gag shoved into her mouth so she couldn't speak. "Jocelyn, you are angry at Clara Frollo for what? Defending her husband? The injury she gave you, you healed!" Jocelyn used her staff to shoot a lightning bolt at him. It his shoulder and he screamed in pain as it burnt him. Jana screamed through the gag but was powerless to do anything. "I do not take likely to disrespect! From anyone! And she betrayed the villains which, for your information, is one of the reasons I am doing this!" "What? Are you going after all the HVK's too?!" Jamie asked, pain in his voice. Jocelyn shot another bolt at him, hitting his other shoulder. He screamed out again and Jana started to cry. She hated seeing him hurt. "Eventually, yes. A bunch of villains are thinking the same. But right now, I want Clara, and I know someone who I am going to force answers from." "Jocelyn, please!" Jocelyn took out her phone ignoring her brother who still was pleading for her to stop. She called Eris, it was time to question Shane. "Yeah, Jocelyn? What's up?" "I need to call in my side of the deal. Is now an okay time to question him?" Jocelyn said using her magic to shut Jamie up as he screamed at her. Eris looks at Shane. "He's a little exhausted from his fit from this morning, but yes." Jocelyn hung up, grabbed Jafar's staff and made herself not look like the ruler of Agrabah. She looked to her brother, "Lamp!" He reluctantly went into his lamp which she out in her pocket. She kept it with her where ever she went and he wasn't allowed out when she wasn't in Agrabah. 

   She transported to Eris's ice palace. "I much rather the Arbabian Deserts then this..." she muttered to herself. "Well, the cold never bothered me," says Eris. "He's all yours." She exits the dungeon, leaving Jocelyn and Shane. Leaning up against the staff some, she ran her fingers through her hair. "Where is she?!" she asked Shane tensely. "You're gonna need to be more specific, Jocelyn," says Shane. "I know a lot of women. Some have actually tried to flirt with me. Didn't end well for them. I had to break their hearts." Jocelyn grasped onto the staff tighter. "Clara Frollo, where is she?!" Shane smirks. "I've been locked up in here for months. Even if I did know where she is, she's probably not there now. I've forgotten what sunlight looks like. Good thing I'm used to the shadows," he says. "You know where she lives, so tell me. And I would know if she moved. Her house is still protected from tracking because of Markus' spell. So, you're going to tell me where she lives." "Look, if you're so worried about where she is, why don't you go and look for her. I mean, you've only got the entire world to look for her," says Shane. "Look, smart boy, I know exactly who is searching for you, where they are, and much much more. I know who is hurt, I know a lot. Everyone is looking for you except Clara. She hasn't left her home in months! Not to look for you, not to go to her stables! I am missing one thing and that's why she isn't looking. And I know you know. You're best friend. Why isn't she looking for you! I only helped so I could get her! Why don't I have her!" Shane chuckles. "I dunno. Maybe she's afraid? She acts all tough, but on the inside, she's a real softie," he says. "You don't know everything about your best friend then. I agree, she acts tough, and I know she has fears. But I know something about her that you don't," Jocelyn said tauntingly, "But if she was quote on quote, afraid, she wouldn't send Markus to look for you but she did. Markus doesn't like you much and he is searching for you. Only Clara could get him to do that. But I don't understand why. And I can tell, you do." "Really? She actually sent Markus to look for me? Huh, that's definitely something I never would've expected," says Shane. Jocelyn rolled her eyes, "What's up with her? Why isn't she searching? I know, you know." Shane sighs. "Fine. I'll tell you," he says. "Roma's sick. And it's really serious. She got sick just a couple days before you kidnapped me. Clara's doing everything she can to try and cure her, but nothing's worked so far. Judging by the fact that she's not looking for me, I assume that Roma's condition is deteriorating."  Jocelyn narrowed her eyes, "You know, I always assumed you weren't able to lie. But I guess even I can get things wrong. Roma has been taking care of the stables." She got into Shane's face, "Let's make this clear, I am only not hypnotizing the answer out of you because my magic, unlike Markus' and his family's magic, can't hypnotize people with voodoo magic." "So much for the most powerful sorceress," says Shane. Jocelyn hit him over the head hard with her staff but not too hard to draw blood, "We all have our limits. But if you won't tell me, I'll leave you with this. You don't have to be my prisoner for me to make your life a living hell. I will get Clara eventually and whether you be here or somehow you escape. I will torture her until she is begging me to kill her. I will video it and I will make you watch, over and over again. And then? Well, I might make a video of me sending her back to her father! You sure you don't want to tell me where she is and why she isn't looking for you?!" Shane looks at her closely. "Actually, I don't think I should tell you where she is when you're keeping something from me," he says. Jocelyn gave a small laugh, "And what am I hiding? And what is it to you? We know each other because of my brother and because you wanted two of the trophies I had from the takeover. The only thing I care about when it comes to you, is you're the key to Clara Frollo." "It's just that you're a lot more... put together. Like, your mind is all intact," says Shane. Jocelyn gave a small smile, "I should thank you for that one. I may not have my sanity, but daddy has been able to help keep me on track. And you are the one who brought him out of the Soul Realm," she lied. She had been lying since she was thirteen without sanity. She was a good liar now with her sanity. Shane smiles. "Yeah, okay," he says. "Still, you're not getting anything out of me." Jocelyn backs up a step, "Fine, but when I do get Clara, I promise, I will find a way to make your life a living hell. And I will use her to do it. And once that happens, you, the HVK's, no one will be able to stop me! Not even my own brother." "Speaking of Jamie, where's he? He certainly would've dealt with you," says Shane. "I keep on eye on him and last I heard, Emily sent him on some mission. Cuts him off from the rest. I haven't gotten a visit since," Jocelyn said shrugging, "Apparently, it's going longer than it was supposed to." "Now that raises suspicion," says Shane. "If you ask me, I'd say that-" He suddenly gets a splitting headache. "Ugh, not now!" Jocelyn raised an eyebrow at him, she didn't really care if he was in pain or what was happening. "Look. Point is, I'm not telling you anything. If you wanna know so badly, find out on your own," says Shane. Eris walks in to check on them. "Great. Another one of his fits," she groans. "I'm sorry to have to cut this short, Jocelyn. Did you get any information?" "Nothing I needed. If he lets anything slip call me. But I'll get her. Keep a lookout by the way, from what information I've been getting, they know he is in your palace. It's just finding it and getting here," she said. "Well, that shouldn't be a problem for us," says Eris. Shane starts to wail in pain. "It'd be better if he didn't do that every hour or so. I have no idea what it is, but it's likely nothing we should worry about." "I don't' know much about voodoo magic so I couldn't tell you," Jocelyn shrugged. She got a text and when she looked at it and groaned, "Bye Eris." she waved her staff, going back to Agrabah.

(Warning: This next part is a bit more gruesome and bloody.)

   Once in Agrabah, Jocelyn went straight to the palace. She had gotten a text from one of the guards saying that Jana had gotten free from her restraints. The guard was under her complete control so he didn't try and help free her and the others. Just as she got to the palace doors, Jana opened it. She yelped in surprise and fell backward when she saw Jocelyn standing there. Jocelyn frowned at Jana who had a terrified look on her face, "And just where do you think you're going?" She grabbed Jana's wrist and dragged her back to the throne. Jocelyn grabbed her black snake staff, putting Jafar's to the side. With a wave of her staff, her regular outfit came back, along with the crown. She turned to Jana, who was still on the ground. She sat down on the throne and took out Jamie's lamp. Not even ten seconds later, Jamie exited. He saw Jana, scared, on the floor. He caught on quickly and turned to Jocelyn. "Sister, please. Don't hurt her..." he begged. Jocelyn put up her hand and he stopped talking. she took her staff and sent multiple bolts at Jana. She cried out in pain Jamie tried to get to her but Jocelyn used her magic to keep him still in one place. By the time she was done shooting Jana with the bolts, burn marks were all over her body. Jana was crying in pain. Jocelyn stood and went up to her. She forced the ex-princess to look up at her. "I... I'm sor...sorry... I won... won't try to... to es..escape again..." Jana stuttered. Jocelyn hit her hard on the head with the staff, drawing blood. Jana fell flat to the ground clutching where her head was bleeding. Jocelyn took her the bottom of the snake staff and started beating Jana until bruises and scratched covered her body. Jamie had been yelling and pleading with her stop the entire time. When Jocelyn was done, she backed up and hit the staff on the ground, cleaning Jana's blood off it. Jana was crying in pain in a ball on the ground. "Jocelyn, please let me heal her! She already has to deal with her bipolar disorder! Please let me heal her!" Jamie begged. Jocelyn looked down at Jana and then back to Jamie, "You care about her?" she asked. "I do, I really do. Please, Jocelyn..." he sighed, "Let me heal her." Jocelyn went up to Jana and kneeled down to her. "You're a lucky girl. You're two closest friends have healing magic in their blood. First my brother and Rapunzel's daughter, Zelda." Jana stiffened and looked to Jocelyn's fear in her eyes. She didn't know how Jocelyn knew about her friendship with Zelda. Besides Jamie, Zelda was her closest friend. "Yeah, I know. And I won't hesitate to use her against you if I have to." Jocelyn stood and went over to Jamie, "You are not to heal her. If you do, I will hurt her more than I already have. Anytime you break my rules, she gets hurt." Before Jamie could say anything, Jocelyn waved her hand, having the chains reform on Jana, tighter this time, sending Jamie back into his lamp and leaving the throne room, lamp and staff in hand. 

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