Chapter 41

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   Jocelyn weaved her way through the other villains to where Eris and Midas were. Helga had just brought the other villain's souls and she was waiting until everyone was there until bringing them back. "You two still clear on the plan?" she asked once she finally got to the two. "Yeah. Try to get information on Shane from Clara," says Eris. "We've can do it," says Midas. Jocelyn rolled her eyes, "Not that. I mean with Eris coming to get me when Clara and Markus show." "Ah, right," says Midas. "If I see any sign of them, I'll get you as fast as I can," says Eris. "Alright, I..." Jocelyn was interrupted by a fistfight. She groaned before turning to Eris and Midas, "You should be able to see when they come from here. Oh, and now that everyone has my sanity, you can talk about it." Jocelyn hurried off to stop the fight. "Understood," says Eris.  

   A few minutes later, others had calmed down while Jocelyn went to figure other things out. Markus and Clara finally arrived after Clara put Snowball at the stables near the hideout. "Ok, we show our face and then we leave," Clara says to Markus, taking a sip of a beer bottle. "Right, because they won't notice the moment we disappear," Markus said rolling his eyes. "This plan might work!" "No, no it won't Clara." Clara rolled her eyes, "I can hold onto hope." "You do realize your father and my mother are here and they will be watching." "Let me have a sliver of hope for at least five seconds, Markus." Clara put her cloak hood down and taking out her hair. Eris looks out into the crowd until she noticed Clara and Markus. "Midas, you stay here while I go get Jocelyn. If they head somewhere else before I get back, you tell me. Okay?" "Sure thing." Eris starts looking for Jocelyn. Markus noticed Midas before looking back to Clara. "Come on." Clara gave him a look, "Where?" "Anywhere but here." "Why?" "Because come on." Clara crossed her arms, "Markus, who is it?" Markus sighed before taking her beer from her hand. "Hey!" "Trust me, I am gonna need to hold this." Clara looked over her shoulder and saw Midas. "Oh, yeah, you're going to want to hold that." Midas puts on his hood and makes his way through the crowd to reach Clara and Markus before they can escape. "He is dumber than he looks," Clara muttered. When he reached them, Clara punched him hard in his jaw knocking him to the ground. "That is for kidnapping my best friend." Clara kicked him hard in the gut, "That is for torturing him and this..." Clara kicked him in the head, "Is for letting him and Char see your pin and having them ask me a thousand questions that I have to fight off before they find out something they shouldn't and end up dead!" Midas spits out a bit of blood onto the floor, picks himself back up, and readies his bow. "Big mistake," he says quietly. Clara takes out her dagger and points it to him, "Don't challenge me you son of a..." "Clara!" Markus interrupted noticing the dagger, "Don't!" Clara ignored him still glaring at Midas, "I killed my own father, I will kill you without hesitation!" "Clara! Don't make me use my powers! Put the dagger away!" Midas grins and shoots a dull arrow in an arc, heading towards where he was previously standing.  Fortunately, Eris had returned from looking for Jocelyn and was standing there, waiting for her. She caught the arrow before it could land and looks out into the crowd to find Midas. She notices the gold stripe on his hood and smiles. "Clever boy," she mutters. "Jocelyn, they're still here!" Clara groaned, "So that's Eris?" she asked Markus. He nodded before snatching the dagger out of her hand. "Markus!" "I don't need you killing people and digging yourself into a deeper hole." Clara kicked his shin before taking her dagger back and putting it away. "I said I wouldn't kill them. Just make them regret kidnapping Shane. That's all." Markus rolled his eyes. "Oi, speaking of the fella, what's he been up to recently?" asks Midas. "I assume not much, due to the fact that he might be in one heck of a funk at the moment." Clara narrowed her eyes at him, "If you wanna talk to me, it's not going to be about Shane. You have no idea how much I have to do to keep him from finding out about this! I rather him not die because some idiot hero kid didn't know how to hide a pin!" she growled. "Did you attempt to throw him off, though?" asks Eris, walking over to them. "Y'know, with the VS shop cover-up?" Clara rolled her eyes, "Heck, I brought his wife to the store and they are still suspicious. So much so, Markus had to make a fake pin to give to Shane so he would stop asking me to give him mine. Also, keep your distance because if you get to close, I'll stab you in the gut." Markus crossed his arms, "Clara, please don't forget your drunk." "I am tipsy Markus. Not drunk." Eris laughs. "Seriously? A fake pin? That's the best you could do?" Clara took out her dagger in warning, "Let me make one thing very clear. I don't like you, I don't care what you think and it takes everything in me not to stab you in the gut and watch you bleed out. You took and kidnapped my best friend! The one person who stayed with me no matter if I was a villain or a hero. I am not letting you just get off on that. Because he stayed my best friend when I was a villain while he abandoned you when you became one! Back off Snowflake!" Clara threatened, mocking her. Eris, unphased, lowers Clara's hand. "I'm completely mortified," she says sarcastically. "And don't forget. You're stuck here for a whole week. Both of you are. With Frollo and Maleficent, I might add," says Midas. "So if I were you, I'd be on my best behavior," Eris teases. Clara tensed at the mentioning of her father. She was about to say something when Reggie came running up to her. "Clara!" Clara rolled her eyes before turning to him slightly. "What do you want?!" "Ravi is going to propose!" "So? I care little if he and MG get together." "Mother Gothel's kid right?" Markus asked. "One of them." "No, not MG, he broke up with her last week," Reggie explained. "Then who is he... no..." Reggie nodded. "That idiot! He really is going to do it?!" "Yeah, come on, he is going to see it!" Reggie an off, Clara following. Markus sighed, "If you two are even a bit close to Jocelyn, you're going to want to see this," he said to Midas and Eris before following Clara and Reggie. Eris and Midas shrug and follow them. 

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