Chapter 35

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   Clara was sitting on the couch with Adrianna holding her hand, using her magic to keep her mom calm. "You okay Adri?" Claytin asked he was leaning against the wall. "It's starting to get tiring. They need to hurry, I can't keep this up forever..." she said. "Adri, you can stop..." Clara said. "No, I don't want you and the baby in the hospital. I can keep it up for a little longer..." Shane and Charlene appear in the living room, holding hands. "Sorry to worry you," says Shane. "Oh thank god..." Adrianna said finally being able to stop. She flopped down onto the couch trying to regain energy lost. Claytin went up to her making sure she was alright. "I'm okay... just tired," she said. She looked over to Shane and smiled, "Mama was worried about you." "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Shane, I can't really stand without help now so get over here!" Clara sighed. Shane rushes over to Clara and picks her up. "Getting big, huh?" he jokes. "Yeah, a bit..." Clara laughed. She hugged him before slapping him, "I am the one who is supposed to be getting kidnapped left and right! Don't worry me like that again!" Claytin gave a small laugh, "Good to have you back Shane." Shane stretches. "Ah, great to be back. That was... definitely something," he says. "A lot of stuff happened when we rescued him. I don't even think I'll be able to explain it thoroughly," says Charlene. "Well try, please because I need to know how much pain I am putting those through when I kill them!" Clara growled. "Clara, killing Frollo was bad enough for your health. Also, that is technically murder, and that's illegal. Don't be a bad example for the kids," Claytin said. "Fine, I'll just hurt them. Happy?" Claytin shrugged. "According to Eris, all of the damage done to Shane was all self-inflicted," says Charlene. "Yeah. Eris didn't hurt me in any way," says Shane. "I don't care. I've already had some words to share with Midas on an unrelated topic," Clara said shrugging, "I still have villainous behaviors and I'm not afraid to use them." Claytin rolled his eyes, "Adri, go upstairs and take a nap to help, please." Adrianna nodded before getting up, giving Shane a hug and going upstairs. Claytin went and whispered to Shane and Charlene, "Clara hasn't had a thing of alcohol since she got pregnant. She is a little more aggressive and not thinking as straight as usual." "Hard to believe that the thing that usually makes other people wonky is the only thing that keeps Clara's thoughts clear," says Shane. "Well, love, anything is possible." Claytin shrugged. He went over to Clara and kissed her cheek. "She also hasn't left the house or been able to use any of her weapons. So she is jumpy." "I am not!" "Clara, you got scared when Beldion parked at a car yesterday." "Yeesh," says Shane. "Well, good luck dealing with that, bud. I assume it only gets worse from there." Charlene laughs. "Shane, that's your best friend you're talking about!" "I said what I said, Char." Clara rolled her eyes, "I hate you all." Claytin kissed her, "I'm gonna go check on Adrianna, to make sure she is actually trying to sleep." Clara nodded and he went upstairs. "So, what aren't you telling me?" She asked Shane, "I've known you since I was born and when you aren't telling me something, you have that look. So, what did you or someone do?" Shane sits on the couch. "Well, Jocelyn paid me a visit in an attempt to find out where you are. Other than that, nothing really happened," he says. Clara raised an eyebrow at him, "Nothing else? I mean, the Jocelyn thing doesn't surprise me. You should see how many times she calls my phone." Charlene gives him a look. "Tell her about the corruption," she says. "The what? Ok, what's going on Shane?" "Fine. For the past year, I've been making stops to the Voodoo Emporium for my cleansing rituals. I was captured before I could perform one, then I was held captive for months. Each month, I would get more aggressive and brutal. The shadows literally clouded my judgment. Eventually, I was completely overtaken by the evil within me," Shane explains. "But, thanks to me, he managed to break free from the evil's clutches," says Charlene. "Wait, you went villain?" Clara asked, "Man, couldn't have done it a few years ago when I was begging you to?" she joked. She sat down next to him on the couch, "It's probably a good thing that you didn't though." Shane chuckles. "Yeah. Although, even after the super-purge I did, I still don't think everything is back to normal with me. It seems like it's dormant now. And my eyes are still purple," he says. "Hey, I don't mind your purple eyes. If anything, they look great!" says Charlene. "Well, I can't help with any voodoo magic but I know what it's like to want to do villainous things. Just because I went hero doesn't mean there aren't times I think about going villain again. If you need someone to talk to about it, I'm here," Clara said. Shane smiles. "Thanks, Clara. I might have to do another cleansing when I get back to New Orleans, though. Just to be sure," he says. Charlene picks him up from the couch and pulls him close. "And maybe some beignets afterward?" she suggests. "Char, I haven't had beignets for months. That might be all I eat for a long time," says Shane. "That will be the same with alcohol once I have this kid," Clara said, "These months can't go any slower. I am never getting pregnant after this again..." "You better not," says Shane. "You need to be a good influence on your child. Which means until they're about, let's say ten, no drinking. Got it?" "Ha! Not happening. Adrianna is eleven and I still drink. Yes, she is used to it because of Iven but still. I like my alcohol. No one is taking that away." "Still, Shane's got a point. Don't let your child catch you doing anything that they won't understand," says Charlene. "Look, I'll figure it out as I go. Will I be a good mother? Probably not, especially when they are young but hopefully I'll get better. But with everything that happens, drinking keeps me sane," Clara said. "Yeah, well, whatever works for you," says Shane. "We still need to find out what happened to Jamie, though." "That's HVK business, not mine," Clara said, "I'm not a big fan of Jamie if I am being honest." Shane rolls his eyes. "C'mon, Shane. Let's go home. We both need some rest," says Charlene. "I'll see you guys soon," Clara said. Shane waves his hand, sending himself and Charlene back to New Orleans.

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