Chapter 10

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   Shane sits alone outside by the stables, still shaken by seeing Clara's bloody body. "Want some company?" Roma asked coming up to him. "Want some company?" Roma asked coming up to him. Roma sat down next to him, "You are just like your mother," she says, "And thank you, Claytin told me how you saved Clara." Shane sighs. "Please don't remind me. That image is still in my head. All of that blood. If I hadn't endured through the sight, Clara would be dead. I really hate being the only one in my friend group that has healing powers," he says. "Adrianna will learn someday. It just takes time because the one person who can teach her is dead," Roma sighed. Shane stands up and looks at the sky. "Sunny day, but I couldn't feel more depressed. That Markus, always causing trouble," he says. "One of these days, he'll get what's coming to him." "That is if Clara's view on him changed at all," Roma said standing up, "She might still think he isn't a villain." "If she still doesn't think Markus is a villain after what just happened then she's twice as stupid as she says I am," Shane scoffs. "We don't know what happened Shane. We know what Adrianna saw. Clara hasn't said a word about what happened. She is hardly talking as it is," Roma sighed. Shane tenses up. "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but this is way too important. It was Markus. He did this. He kidnapped Clara and hid her where I wouldn't be able to find her. He's trying to make her his girlfriend and a villain. How can she not see that he's never gonna stop being a villain?" "I know that Markus kidnapped her Shane, I talked to Adri. I am saying we don't know what happened when she was there. We know what was happening when Adrianna went there but otherwise? Until Clara says something, we don't know what happened. Do I think Markus isn't a villain? God no, he is a villain. But both Clara and Delia don't think he is." Shane summons his cane. "Well, whatever happened, it must've been bad. I counted over fifty wounds." Roma nodded, "Well, only five people know what happened. Markus, Garrett, Anna, Dawn, and Clara. We don't know where the four are and Clara isn't talking. Who knows if we will ever find out what happened." "Right," says Shane. "And just when I thought all our troubles were over."

   Suddenly, an arrow pierces a nearby tree. "Great. He's here," Shane groans. Roma drew her sword. "Come on out, Midas. I know you're here," says Shane. "Yoo-hoo!" calls a familiar voice from above. Shane looks in the direction of the voice and sees Midas resting in a tree. "How did you get here, and how did you find this place?" Midas jumps down from the tree and struts over to Shane. "Is that any way to greet an old friend, Shaney? Frankly, I thought you'd be more welcoming than that," he says. Roma tightens her grasp on her sword. She could cut Midas to pieces if she wanted. But she didn't like to attack before someone else attacked first. Midas looks at Roma. "Wait, I remember that face. I saw you at the end of the takeover. You're Roma Frollo! Oh, this is rich!" he exclaims. "Don't remind me of my last name or I will cut your throat," Roma threatened. She had been needing to go to the court and change her last name but being as she never divorced Claude, it was much more complicated.  Midas chuckles. "Oh! Just as feisty as the wee blonde lass! I can see why Claude chose you," he says. "Shut up, Midas!" says Shane, grabbing him. "Now, what are you doing here?" "Can't a guy just check up on a friend?" "We are not friends! We never were, and we never will be! Tell me why you're here!" Midas pushes Shane away from him. "Well, let's just say that I've got some information you might need," he says. Shane scoffs. "As if you'd actually help us." Roma tensed slightly at the mentioning of Claude.  "Well, I guess you'll just continue being lost," Midas taunts. "Kind of a shame, too. This would've really given you the upper hand."  Another arrow shot at Midas, just barely missing. "Get off my property," a familiar voice said behind Shane. Shane smiles. "I was wondering when you'd get here, Clara," he says. Clara didn't respond, just lit the cigarette in her mouth, and aiming another arrow at Midas. "You really don't wanna be here, Midas. I may have a moral code, but Clara's kind of a loose cannon. She won't hesitate to shoot you with that arrow," says Shane. Midas jumps back into the tree. "This won't be the last you see of me," he says, before disappearing in a puff of smoke. 

Hellfire on the Other Side Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora