Chapter 37

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   "Are you okay?" Jamie whispered urgently to Jana, helping her stand quietly. Jocelyn was busy speaking to the guards across the room. Jana could hardly stand on her own with all her injuries and the chains restricting her movements. "I'm fine..." she muttered in response. Jamie glanced at Jocelyn before looking back to Jana. "I can use my magic and get you out of Agrabah..." "What? No! Jamie, she'll hurt you!" Jana protested quietly. "Look at yourself Jana, you're falling apart. Jocelyn refuses to give you your medicine you need and is abusing you physically basically every hour now!" "She will just track me down and hurt me over again! There isn't anywhere for me to go!" Jamie stopped for a second to think about it. "There is..." "Where Jamie? It's not like I can go to the HVK hideout to hide. I'm not a VK and you know how Emily feels about HK's finding out where the hideout it..." "Even if I was sending you there, she wouldn't care if it was saving you!" Jana shook her head, "It's too risky Jamie. Where do you want to send me?" "Paris." "What? Why Paris?" "After I send you there, you need to quickly find Clara Frollo. I can't send you to her home since I don't know where exactly it is but I can send you close to it, or I can send you close to where Clara is and she is probably home!" "Why do I need to find Clara Frollo?! Jocelyn is hunting her! It is just more dangerous for me!" Jana asked confused. Jamie looked, making sure Jocelyn still wasn't paying attention. "You heard what she's said. Markus put a spell on Clara's home to keep it safe from tracking. When you find her, she can contact Emily and Delia. If Clara can't protect you, they will..." "Jamie..." "The world, the heroes, need to know what is happening in Agrabah, they need to know Jocelyn has her sanity back. The HVK's need to know I am trapped here. You have to give out the message!" "Jamie, I can't! Not without you!" "Em can contact Zelda or someone else can. You won't be alone. Do this as princess of Agrabah! Do this for your kingdom!" "It's not my kingdom anymore Jamie! I lost it! The moment Jocelyn became princess, she overthrew my family. I am just the ex-princess and her slave!" "Jana, listen, you are the daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin! Your father has taught you stealth and how to be a good thief, and your mom gave your her courage and sass. You can do this!" "I am only courageous and sassy on good days! When I can take my medicine! I haven't been able to take my medicine since Jocelyn took over! It's been months!" "I know, but didn't you leave some of your medicine in Corona last you visited Zelda?" Jana nodded, "Our parents thought it was best that I keep some there in case of an emergency..." "Then this is... please Jana, you're like a sister to me and I can't keep watching you get hurt." Jana felt a sharp pain in her chest. She couldn't tell if it was from all her injuries or because she was just sister-zoned by her best friend that she had a crush on since she was eleven and he was twelve, a year before Jocelyn went crazy. "O-Okay... I'll try..." Jamie gave a small smile, "Remember, find Clara Frollo, she will contact Emily and Delia. Someone will be able to contact Zelda to get your medicine. Make sure you get to somewhere Jocelyn can't track you as soon as possible!" he said. "I will... promise." Jamie hugged her gently, trying not to hurt her too badly, "If Shane Facilier isn't already there, see if Clara can call. He can heal your wounds I hope." Just as they were about to stop hugging, Jocelyn turned around and saw them. She narrowed her eyes angrily. "Hey!" she shouted, "What do you two think you are doing?!" She waved her staff, using a strong force to rip Jana away from Jamie, sending her flying across the room. She gave a yelp in pain as she hit the ground, wounds reopening. Jamie quickly snapped his fingers, sending Jana to Paris, France. 

   Clara came down the stairs rubbing her eyes. Claytin looked up at her from the couch. "So?" he asked. "Adri is in her room talking with Ash on the phone and I finally got Lyle to take a nap. If someone comes in here yelling and screaming, I am hurting someone," she said laying down on the couch putting her head on Claytin's lap. Charlene walks into the house, smiling. "Where's the new addition to the family?" she exclaims. "Shhh!" Clara said sitting up, "I just got him to take a nap." Claytin chuckled. "Aw, bummer," says Charlene. "He'll wake up in an hour or two," Clara said laying back down. A moment later there was a knock at the door. Clara groaned and sat up. She went to the door and let in Markus who had come over. "Ever get tired of me?" she asked. "Every day, have you got an invitation yet?" "No, did you?" "Nope." "Then why would I get one?!" Markus shrugged. "Invitation? Is there a party going on somewhere?" asks Charlene. Clara and Markus shared a look, "Something like that," Clara shrugged. "Do I need to be worried?" Claytin asked. "You always are even when it's harmless, but no." "You do worry a lot, Claytin," says Charlene. Claytin shrugged, "Habit." Clara rolled her eyes before going back over to him. 

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