Chapter 43

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   Jocelyn weaved through the crowd. She really should have thought of a way to organize the meeting but now she knew for next year. When she finally saw Midas and Eris she hurried over. "Hey, I need to talk to you two," she said as soon as she got over. "We're all ears," says Midas. "Eris, I've heard that your thinking of going after Clara since I am busy with trying to get Jana back, this true?" Jocelyn asked looking around to make sure neither Clara or Markus was around. They weren't anywhere in sight. "Yes. Not like you need it, but I want to make it a bit easier for you," says Eris. "Then you're going to want to come with me. Both Frollo and I agree it's time to tell Clara that we know about her daughter. Use that against her. You want to be there?" Eris smirks mischievously. "Of course." She looks at Midas. "Are you coming along with us?" "Nay. I'm gonna take some time to myself," says Midas. "Before you do that can you go tell Clara to come to my office then Midas?" Jocelyn asked, "Reggie should be able to tell you where she and Markus is. If she tries to refuse to come, just say it's a direct order from me and I won't hesitate to get someone to drag her." "Will do," says Midas, grabbing his coat. "Reggie!" Jocelyn called. Reggie looked over and came over, "Yeah?" "Show Midas where Clara and Markus are. I know you know." Jocelyn and Eris left for Jocelyn's office. 

   Reggie looked to Midas, "Well, they wouldn't be in their room so they are probably in the training area. Usually, empty this week with everyone sticking with their villain parent but with Clara and Markus' situation, an empty place to train is the best place for them this week," he explained. "Right," says Midas. "Lead the way." Reggie showed Midas where the training arena was and before they could even get there, they could hear Clara playing with some weapon.

   When they got there, Markus was sitting on the fence watching Clara using a sword on a dummy. "Remind me again why I am stuck watching you play with a sword?" he asked. "Because it's this or be around the others," Clara responded, "Do you want to be around your mother?" "Fair point." "Yo Clara! That's not one of the swords you bought from me!" Reggie called. Clara stopped and looked to him, "Not mine. Borrowed from the armory here. I only brought my dagger. Why did you bring him?" she gestured to Midas. "Jocelyn's orders." Clara put the sword down as Markus hopped off the fence and turned to face Reggie and Midas. Midas folds his arms and says, "Jocelyn wants you in her office." "Too bad," Clara said crossing her arms. "It's a direct order. If you don't come willingly, she'll have no problem finding someone to bring you by force," says Midas. Clara groaned, "Fine." "Want me to come?" Markus asked. "Nah, she'll just send you out anyhow. I'll find you afterward. Don't get cornered by your mother." "No promises." Clara put her cloak hood up and went to Jocelyn's office. 

   She knocked on the door. "It's unlocked!" Jocelyn called out. Clara entered and saw Jocelyn, Eris, and Frollo. "Yeah no, I am not doing this," Clara said but before she could leave, Jocelyn waved her staff, closing and locking the door. "You got no choice." "Clara," says Eris with a sinister smile, "we've got something really important to talk about." "And I was busy avoiding all of you, so can I go?" she growled. "Hush Clara," Frollo ordered her. She rolled her eyes, "What do you want?" "Something has come to my attention that makes me curious," Jocelyn said. "If this is about me not looking for Shane or what's going on with Jana, your not getting anything from me." "It's not about that. We heard there is another Frollo." Clara tensed. Did they know about Lyle? It was impossible. They had been so careful. "Oh, yes. We know about your adoptive daughter, Adrianna," says Eris. Clara immediately grabbed her dagger, "Stay away from her!" "Isn't she Maleficent's niece? I am sure with the right guidance, she could be an excellent villain," Jocelyn sneered. Clara put her dagger to Jocelyn's throat, "I swear Jocelyn, you even think about bringing her into this lifestyle I will kill you!" Frollo tried to grab Clara but she easily cut him with her dagger. She didn't play around when it came to her family. Eris laughs. "I'm surprised that you didn't expect us to eventually go after her," she says. "I feel like you should have known that little Adri was related to Maleficent before you took her in." "Leave her out of this! All this has nothing to do with her! She is just a young girl! And I'll be damned if I let any of you touch her!" Clara growled. Jocelyn hit her dagger out of her hand. "If you want her to be safe, let's make a trade." Eris stands back and watches. Clara grabbed her dagger from the ground, "What did you have in mind." "Give me Jana and I'll make an order that no one in the Villain Society can ever go after your daughter. She will be safe from us." Clara bit her lip, there was no guarantee that Jocelyn would stick to her side of the deal or that everyone would listen to that order. Not to mention, Markus and Shane probably would kill her if she just handed over Jana. There had to be a better way. "Or," Frollo said, "You can go back to being a villain." "Either way I get Jana though," Jocelyn said. "So what'll it be? Give up Jana, become a villain again, or put your daughter in even more danger?" asks Eris. "You know what? None because you can't get to Adrianna if you can't figure out where we live. If you can't get me, I doubt you can get my daughter. And besides, Markus has been teaching her to use her powers and even if you tried, you wouldn't get her to be a villain. Go burn in hell," Clara spat. "You may be right, I can't get her when she is home but someday, when she isn't, I'll get her. And you won't be able to warn her unless you want to break the rules of the contract and she'd die anyway," Jocelyn said crossing her arms. "Here is the thing Jocelyn, you don't scare me. And you won't ever get my daughter!" "Enough with this Clara! Take the chance you are given!" Frollo said tensely. "What good will come out of any of this! Villains don't keep promises. So why would I make a promise knowing it will just end in a lose-lose for me?!" "Sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones. But you still have to choose the lesser of two evils," says Eris. "I am gonna have to think on this, can I do that?" Clara asked tensely. "Sure, whatever. By the end of the week I want an answer," Jocelyn said before waving her hand and unlocking the door.

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