Chapter 56

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   Charlene and Shane lay on the ground, surrounded by the surprise guests. Shane chuckles weakly. "Playing dirty, Clara?" He picks himself up, nursing his wound. "You told me to come alone, and you turn around and bring all of my former friends?" "I always play dirty," Clara said, "And for the record, I didn't want to but you didn't give me much of a choice. I mean seriously Shane! What control do I have over you?! Hero or villain! I do what I can and when you're about to kill you, wife, there isn't much I can do!" Charlene looks around and sees everyone. "What are you doing here?" "Clara called us. And we're glad she did," says Sully. "Yeah, we don't wanna lose you," says Zelda. "Either of you." She looks at Shane as she picks up Charlene. Tina notices the blood o on Charlene's sword. "You stabbed him?" "I didn't really have any other options." Claytin went to grab Clara's hand but she was fast and moved to the side. "Don't touch me! No one touch me!" she said. "Clara, can you fill us in on what's happening?" asks Klunk. "I was dumb and let Charlene convince me to bring her to meet Shane. I told him that I wasn't going villain, Char tried to talk to him, attacks happened and next thing I know this all happened," Clara explained. "You let an HK convince you of something?" Markus asked. "It's been an off few days for me Markus!" Clara yelled annoyed, her temper was getting short. "Well, I don't think we should get involved," says Sully. "This is between them." Clara groaned, "Do you want one of them to die?!" "Sully makes a point Clara," Emily said, "It's their fight." "You all are useless!" Delia turned to Markus, "Can you..." "Already on it..." Markus snapped his fingers, disarming Clara and making a chain that wrapped around one of her wrists to retrain her. "Did you just restrain me?!" Clara yelled at him. "In all honesty, I should do it more often." "Well, then. Looks like it's just you and me. No interruptions," says Shane. "Looks like it," says Charlene. They grip their weapons tightly. "Don't think that just because I'm wounded or not using my powers that you'll be able to defeat me," says Shane. "I'll take that chance," says Charlene.

   Shane and Charlene stand facing each other, weapons at the ready, powering through the pain of their wounds. No one around ever thought they'd see the day that the happy couple would turn on each other. Charlene looks at the man that Shane has become. Everything he's strived to avoid. The man he fought for his entire life. The very thing he swore not to be. But she wasn't gonna give up. Whether it was trying to reach the small amount of good left in him or killing him, Charlene Facilier-LeBouff is not gonna quit. Not now. All the while, Shane looks at the woman he's about to face. The first person to show him, unconditional love, despite his relation to a villain. The woman who was nothing but caring to him, even in his darkest moments. The woman with whom he had far too many fond memories to count. Such a shame he'd have to kill her. But for some odd reason, he hesitates. Why? "What are you waiting for, Shane?! An invitation?!" shouts Charlene, taunting him. "This is what you want, right? You and me, fighting each other? Well, here I am! Bring it on!" Shane wipes the bit of blood on his face and runs towards her. The final battle has begun.

   The two go back and forth, swinging at each other. Charlene uses her left arm, which puts her at a disadvantage with weapon usage, but due to Shane's injury greatly affecting the strength of his swings, there's an even playing field. Charlene manages to cut Shane a few times, but Shane is entirely unphased by them, continuing to swing at Charlene. Shane's seen Charlene's lessons multiple times, so he can generally tell what attack she's gonna do next. "You're so predictable, Charlene," he says. "Those lessons paid off, but you've barely done anything to me." He swings at her, but Charlene ducks underneath just in time. "You're one to talk. You've barely hit me. Still can't find it in you to hurt such a pretty face?" she teases. Shane begins to channel a small amount of voodoo energy into his cane. "Well, then. Let's see you try and dodge this!" He charges at her rapidly, barely giving her time to think, and swings at her. Unfortunately for him, she parries the attack, leaving Shane disoriented and confused. He stumbles back, leaving him open to an attack. This is it. The decisive moment. Does she spare him, giving him a chance to come to his senses, or kill him, causing Clara to hunt her down? "Here goes nothing," she mutters to herself. She regains her footing and thrusts her sword right into Shane's chest. He falls onto his back, struggling to utter a word.

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