Chapter 39

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   Clara locked the stall door behind Misty, making sure she had enough food and water. She had just done the same with Snowball. After she grabbed her sword and swung it around some. "I am happier than I normally am," she said to Misty, "This doesn't happen and it's dangerous territory. I am not drunk and I am this happy. It feels weird..." "Sounds like it would be weird," says Shane. "Hey, Clara!" says Charlene. Clara looked over to them before putting her sword down. "Hey, guys. How did you know I was here?"  Shane shrugs. "Well, you weren't at home, so we figured you'd be here," he says. Clara nodded before picking her sword back up. 

   "Clara are you here?!" Markus called from outside the stables. "Ah, Markus! Good to see you, buddy," says Shane. Markus came in, "Don't call me buddy. It's weird." "Jana is back at my place, not here you know. In case you want to stare some more," Clara teased. Markus rolled his eyes, "Haha Clara." He waved his hand using an invisible force to push her down. "Oh, yeah. Jana. Char told me all about her. I had no idea that Jocelyn was holding her captive. I'm glad she's okay, though," says Shane. "Also, Markus. You got your eyes on her, huh?" Charlene starts to chuckle. "Oh, here it comes!" Markus rolled his eyes, "You know what, I didn't come here to get teased, Clara we need to talk." Clara's smile fell and she stood up. "Oh come on, I've been having a good day, please tell me you're not about to ruin it." "Depends, you want the truth or the lie?" "Eh, let's go with the lie." "You're day is about to get better." Clara groaned, "Great." Shane sighs. "And I called you 'buddy', "he says. Markus shrugged, "Not me doing anything." "So, what is it?" Clara asked putting her sword down. "Well, you were right. Your invitation was with mine at my place," Markus explained handing her an envelope. Clara groaned, "Wonder why they didn't just bring it here." "Didn't want your mom to find it maybe. The only ones who come to my place are me and you." "Point taken, alright how long do we have?" "Says in the invitation, twenty-four hours." "Great, just great." "What are they talking about?" asks Shane. "Something that they can't explain to us," says Charlene. "Ah, must be some sort of villain business, then." "Claytin is going to murder me," Clara muttered. "Please tell me you told him about how long this is," Markus sighed. "Want the truth or a lie?" "Truth." "Nope, didn't tell him." Markus rolled his eyes. "Clara, I understand that you don't want him to worry, but you should at least tell him that you're gonna be away for a while," says Charlene. "It's only a week," Clara shrugged. "Clara, you just had a baby!" Markus said, "You know there is going to be an argument!" "Firstly, hush, someone may be watching, secondly, I've been avoiding the argument." "If someone was watching, we both know you still wouldn't be here right now." "I'm sure that Claytin will understand," says Shane. Clara gave him a look, "Have you met my husband? When it comes to last-minute disappearances of me, he gets overly worried. I mean, none of you will have any contact with me for a week. No phone calls, no texts, no nothing." "I told you, you needed to tell him. We only have so much time t actually get there and I don't want to find out what happens when your late," Markus said leaning against the wall, "Are you at least packed?" Clara didn't say anything. "Oh come on Frollo! You knew it would happen any day now!" "Don't call me Frollo and yes, I know! I hoped I wouldn't get an invitation." "You knew you would! We've gotten one every year! Even during the takeover!" "Yeah well, I was a villain or acting villain those times!" "And you think they'd let you off the hook because you went hero?!" "I hoped!" Shane, his curiosity now peaked cuts in. "Okay, okay. You both better simmer down before you say something that you shouldn't."  Clara sighed, "Hey Markus?" "Hm?" "Chances of me coming back after the week?" "I'd say fifty-fifty." "Chances I'll still be a hero after this?" Markus thought about it, "Sixty-Forty." "And you?" "Coming back or staying neutral." "Both." "Sixty-forty as well." "Wonderful. Alright," Clara sighed. She turned to Shane, "If I am not back in a week, don't look for me. I'll show up eventually." Shane and Charlene look at each other with concern in their eyes. "Alright," says Shane. "Thank you and no following or tracking me!" Clara said crossing her arms. "Okay," says Charlene. Clara nodded before grabbing her dagger, "Now to tell Claytin. Who all is coming?" "I'll come just so we can leave right after," Markus said. "We're tagging along, too," says Shane. Clara nodded before they went back to her place. 

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