Chapter 47

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   Claytin was in the living room, looking at some papers his dad sent over asking him to help with some scheduling with the Court. Jana was upstairs with Adrianna and Lyle watching them while Clara had locked herself in the study doing who knows what. She had been in there a lot since she got back. There's a knock on the door, followed by a familiar voice. "Can I come in?" asks Shane. Claytin went over and opened the door, "Come on it. Though I can't promise you'll get Clara's attention. She has been busy with something." Shane sighs in relief. "Good," he says, walking inside. It's best that Clara doesn't hear about this. He sits down on the couch and stares blankly ahead. "Everything alright?" Claytin asked. "I'll tell you," says Shane, "but you have to promise that you won't let Clara find out." Claytin nodded, "Alright. She isn't listening much these days anyway. What's going on?" Shane musters up the strength to tell Claytin the news. "Long story short, I'm gonna be killed by Char. The corruption within me has grown too powerful for me to control. Once I go full villain, she'll have no choice but to kill me." Claytin didn't say anything at first, "I see. If that's what you want, I am not going to try and convince you out of it. Don't think I could if I tried. But Shane, do you think Clara won't figure it out? She might not realize until afterward but if Charlene kills you, I don't know how safe it will be for her even France. Clara isn't just going to mourn, you know how she reacts to this sort of thing. If you're going to do this, you need to make sure Charlene knows until she hears it's safe, it'll be too dangerous for her to come even close to Paris. I don't think I could even stop Clara from trying to harm, even kill Charlene. Are you sure this is what you want?" "It's either Charlene kills me, or I stay a villain," says Shane. Claytin nodded, "Whatever you think is best Shane. I'll do my best to keep Clara contained after and hopefully, Markus can help. To protect Charlene at the very least." Shane smiles slightly. "Thanks, man." "No problem. But for now, it is probably best to act like everything is normal around Clara. If she figures out we are hiding something, she won't let it go. You two share that in common." Suddenly there was a loud bang as if something was thrown. "DAMMIT!" Clara yelled from the study. "Speak of the devil..." Claytin said. "What's she doing up there, anyway?" asks Shane. "No idea, she just locks herself in there and doesn't come out unless I drag her out. Come on, I should probably figure out what she threw." 

   Claytin went to the study door and opened it. A few papers were scattered on the floor and Clara was leaning over the desk, her back to the door. She was muttering under her breath frustrated. "Clara," Claytin said but she ignored him. He said her name a few more times before yelling it. "Clara!" Clara whipped around, "What?!" she snapped before flinching, "Sorry... frustrated." "Shane's here." "Hey, Clara," says Shane. Clara started picking up the papers on the floor, "Hey," she said as she put it back in the desk, "Sorry I haven't called. I've been busy." Shane shrugs. "It's okay. It's glad to see that you're doing considerably well, though," he says. "Yeah sure, better than dwelling over the Garrett situation, as Markus would put it at least," Clara said. "That week must've been rough on you," says Shane. Clara shrugged, "Whatever." "What have you even been doing in here?" Claytin asked gesturing to the papers on the desk. "Nothing!" Clara put the papers, messily, in a binder and closing it. Shane takes out the VS pin that Markus gave him. "Give this back to Markus when you can, okay? I don't need it anymore," he says. Clara took it, "See I told you it was worthless." She put it in her pocket and went back to the desk. "Hey, you forgot one," Claytin said picking up a paper. Clara quickly snatched it from him. "Thanks..." She was putting it with the others when she froze. "Wait a second..." She went through the papers and found a few others. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! How did I not see that?!" she exclaimed. "Clara? What's up?" Claytin asked raising an eyebrow. Clara grabbed a bag and shoved the binder and papers in. "I gotta go!" Shane decides not to intervene. He assumes that he'll be dead before he can even figure it out. "Where are you going?" Claytin asked. "Claytin, I love you and I need you to trust me! Please!" Clara said. "I do trust you but..." "I'll be back either later tonight or tomorrow. And I'll explain everything then. I promise! You just have to wait until then!" Claytin sighed, "Fine, I trust you." Clara smiled before running out. "I have a bad feeling about this..." Claytin sighed. "Well, on the plus side, she seems to be excited rather than stressed. This might be a good thing," says Shane. Claytin nodded, "I hope so. Are you going to be around in the next few hours? I think she wants you around to say, well, whatever it is she is going to say when she gets back." Shane sighs. "I suppose so. Claytin nodded before they left the study.

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