Chapter 26: Eris

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    Eris stands outside of her old room. She's packed up and officially moving out of the palace. "Glad I'll never be locked in there again," she says. She makes her way to the entrance, and is suddenly stopped. "Eris... don't you want to say anything to your family before you go?" asks Anna. Eris huffs and faces her family. Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff all look at her with sadness and anticipation in their eyes. "Aunt Anna, Uncle Kristoff, you may go. I've nothing to say to you," says Eris. Anna and Kristoff nod and go on about their business, leaving the mother and daughter. Elsa begins to speak. "Eris..." Eris silences her by lifting a finger. "Whatever you want to say, don't. You could've helped me hone my powers. You've been in my exact position, and you could've helped me. And yet, like everyone else, you decided to lock me up in that room. Why? Were you afraid that I'd end up like you? A woman with a power that she still doesn't understand? Or did you just refuse to acknowledge me as your daughter? Whatever the reason, it's far too late to make up for it now. I'm on my way out of Arendelle, and don't expect to see me again, so just... let it go," she says. She opens the palace doors and takes a deep breath. Just two steps is all it takes to finally get her long-awaited freedom. She steps outside, the palace doors close behind her. She's finally free. "Goodbye Arendelle. I will not miss you," she says.

   Eris is suddenly pulled aside by a hooded figure. "What is it, Midas?" she asks. Midas removes his hood. "Finally free from that nightmare, huh?" he asks Eris. "Yup! And now I'm ready to formally make my debut as a villain," says Eris. Midas raises an eyebrow. "Well, you're in luck. Cause I know a place that will gladly accept you," he says. "What do you mean? You're not talking about some illegal fight club, are you?" Midas simply places a finger on his mouth and takes her hand. Eris furrows her brows. "Okay, this is awkward," she says. "Just trust me on this," says Midas. He presses his VS pin, sending himself and Eris to a hidden location deep in a forest. "Midas, where are we?" Midas shushes her. "Eris, just keep it down and follow me." He starts walking deeper into the forest. Eris shrugs and follows him, per his serious, yet suspicious instruction.  

 Midas and Eris arrive at the Villain Society hideout. "Here we are," says Midas. "What is this place?" Eris asks. "I cannae say yet, Eris. Just follow me. And don't say anything," says Midas. Eris nods and follows him as they walk through the VS hideout. Eventually, they reach the leader's room. "I sure hope she'll accept you," says Midas, knocking on the door. "Door is unlocked," Jocelyn yelled from inside the room. Midas enters the room, followed by Eris. "Jocelyn, I come to you with a potential new recruit," he says, bowing. "Introduce yourself." Eris bows and says, "I am Eris. Daughter of Elsa." Jocelyn scrunched up her nose some, "Another hero kid? Alright, I'll see if you are good enough. Though, if your not, I am gonna have to erase everything that happens from your mind, if you have a problem with that, get out!" "I assure you. Eris is capable of doing horrendous things," says Midas. "I can speak for myself," says Eris. "So, what do I need to do first?" "Well, firstly, you should know what this is?" Jocelyn said rolling her eyes, "This is the Villain Society. Unlike the HVK's or whatever other organizations there are for hero kids or VK's who went to be heroes, like my good for nothing brother, we aren't just for the descendants. Our parents, dead or alive, are a part of it too. Every villain." Eris smirks. "Must cause some uproar when people like me and Midas want to join. If Hans is here, I have no doubt that he'll be afraid of me," she says. "He is, and his children. And it's not hero kids joining that causes an uproar. It's people like Clara Frollo, my brother, Shane Facilier, I could go on. But they cause the uproar here. Clara and Markus have caused the most with their betrayal to the society. Not that they aren't still apart of it. If you're going to join, you don't ever get out of it. Even after death. So let me be clear, if I do accept you, you better be sure you want to be a villain. Cause if you go and be a hero, things won't go well for you." Eris tenses up. "I'm sure," she says. Jocelyn nodded, "Alright then. You have to answer questions so I know if you are good enough for this society. Especially with your mom being a hero. Why are you a villain?" "For as long as I can remember, I've been locked up in my room, only being allowed to leave for school or to hang out with my friends. I was never invited to family events, always cast aside, and treated like an animal," says Eris. "Once I was finally liberated, I decided to take my life into my own hands. I went around causing trouble wherever I could, bringing harm and destruction in my wake. I will not rest until the world fears me. And I will continue to reign chaos upon this world." "I've heard better but alright, you have a good enough reason," Jocelyn said, "You would have left if you didn't think you had what it takes. Why do you think you could help the Villain Society. And if you say your powers, you're out of here. We've got plenty of others who can use practically any type of magic, you have just ice and snow." "I've had years of experience in convincing people to do what I want them to. On top of that, I can use my looks to my advantage. I mean, no one would expect a kind-looking, beautiful young lady like me to be so deceitful," says Eris. "I can definitely vouch for her on that," says Midas.  "Every villain has a main goal. For example, my daddy's was to become sultan, mine is to get my revenge on my brother, what's yours?" Eris looks at the ground and sighs. "To reclaim what was taken from me," she says. "Gotta be more specific. Trust me, nobody cares we don't meddle with other's main goals unless asked otherwise. I just need to know if it gives you enough reason to be a villain," Jocelyn said. "I've recently found out that someone I used to be very close to has been claimed by another. He's devoted his life to her and has cast me aside, like everyone else in my life. I will do whatever it takes to make him realize that he's meant to be with me," says Eris. "Oh yeah, Zach was telling me, your obsessed with Facliler's son," Jocelyn said, "Some society members are assigned to keep an eye on VK's turned hero. With Shane so close to Clara, well, it's a given someone is watching. We just can't find Clara's address..." 

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