Chapter 57

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   "If your so worried, why don't we just ambush her?" Claytin looked to Markus, giving him a look. "And when has that ever worked out well when it comes to Clara?" he asked. Markus shrugged, "It's been days and like you said, she only ever comes around early in the morning to check on Adri and Lyle. Her birthday is in three days and it would do her good to get her anger out." "Markus has a point Claytin," Jana said, "I think she needs to yell at everyone." Claytin sighed, the last text Clara had sent was in a group text to everyone last night saying "I swear, if I get one more text or call with you guys trying to see how I am doing, my dagger will give you all scars!" "And how are we supposed to get her here? I'm not going to lie to her and say something is wrong with Lyle or Adrianna," Claytin asked. "I have magic, it is very easy for me to go and grab her, not giving her a chance to run." Claytin nodded before taking out his phone and texting Allara, Sully, Shane, Charlene, Zelda, and Klunk: "Can you guys come to my place? If you don't want to get yelled at, I wouldn't come but Markus thinks it might be best to let Clara get all her anger out." They all respond, saying that they'll come as soon as they can. Claytin turned to Adrianna who was playing with Lyle in the living room. "Adri, take your brother upstairs and play up there please." "It's not like I haven't heard mama yell before," Adrianna protested. "Go!" Adrianna gave an annoyed huff, "Fine." She picked up Lyle and went upstairs. 

   Shane, Charlene, Sully, and Allara arrive in the living room via water streams. Shane has to use his cane for support and Charlene's arm is in a cast. Immediately after, Zelda and Klunk enter. "Okay," says Shane. "What's up?" "I'm going to grab Clara and bring her back here. She needs to get her anger out so we are basically ambushing her," Markus explained. "So if any of you don't want to be yelled at, I'd leave now because if this goes without any yelling, it would be a miracle," Claytin said. Shane sighs and looks at the others. It's only fair, but it's gonna be hell. "Let's do it," he says. Markus waved his hand and disappeared. 

   Less than five minutes later, he reappeared with Clara, who shoved him back. "Don't do that!" she yelled. "What? Did you think I was someone else?" he asked. "Oh, I don't know. When you randomly get grabbed from behind, it's kinda hard to tell who is grabbing you!"  "So, Clara," says Charlene, "anything you wanna say to us?" "No, not really," Clara said crossing her arms. "It's been days Clara," Claytin said. "I'm aware." "We're worried." "Was my text not clear? Stop trying to check in on me! I'm fine." "No, no you're not." Clara rolled her eyes, "Can I go now or am I going to get ambushed again?" Claytin sighed, "Will you be back by Friday?" "What's Friday?" Clara asked. "You seriously don't know?" asks Shane. "Maybe you need a moment to think about it." "It's your birthday Clara," Claytin said. "Oh, that. I told you months ago, it's just going to be like any other day. I'm not celebrating," Clara said. "Clara..." Claytin started. "You know what, how about you all celebrate just don't tell me because obviously keeping me in the dark is what's best, right?!" Clara said, her voice ice cold. "We did it to protect you," says Charlene. "Well, then it sure as hell backfired! How is keeping me in the dark protecting me?!" Clara yelled. "Like you have any right to complain," says Shane. "You've lied to me so many times growing up, it's a miracle that I even believe anything you say!" "I was a villain and villains lie! And it's not like I was raised to know any better! And at least I wasn't keeping a secret that I was going to die! Do you seriously not see the issue with this?!" "Well, I'm alive now! Seriously, stop acting like us keeping you in the dark was easy or fun for us!" says Shane. "Do you think you could've done something to stop it from happening?" "I wouldn't have been vulnerable! By not telling me, I was clueless and that's what villains play on you idiot! I don't know what I would have done but I would have done something to protect my family! I may not have been able to help you but you put my children you danger Shane! Because of you, I went to the other side of Paris, while Jocelyn knew where I lived! What if she found out about Lyle! Or took Adrianna! You put them in danger when I could have protected them if you would have just said something!" Clara screamed.  "I still spared Adri, and I didn't tell anyone about Lyle, either! Yeah, I regret not telling you anything, but I was scared! How exactly do you tell your best friend that you've known your whole life that you're gonna die?!" "I don't know, I left you something every time I tried to commit suicide even if yous topped me every time! I only didn't leave you something when I faked my death! It's better than just leaving without saying goodbye! I already went through that with my mom! I don't need to go through it with you!"  "In his defense, we all didn't expect Midas and Eris to attack him," says Charlene. "We had predicted that he'd become corrupted after your birthday, so we were waiting until then to tell you everything. Shane needed time to build up the courage." "And that's supposed to make me feel any better?!" Clara exclaimed, "Jocelyn now knows where I live! By now my father knows where I live, God forbid somehow he comes back to life! He knows where I live! All my enemies know where I live!" "Wait, who is the he? You already said your father," Markus interrupted. Clara tensed, "Slip of the tongue. Didn't mean to say it." "Then go off the grid again! Runaway to somewhere else! Put up a fight! Whatever! I had no control over everything I did when I was a villian!" Clara groaned, "You know what, all of you burn in hell." Clara left before anyone could stop her. 

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