Chapter 23

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   Ash looked around, she was in an empty room with no doors. "Hello?! Verity?! Shane?! Adri?!" she called out but there was no answer. "Can anybody hear me?!" "Hello, slave," a familiar deep male voice said behind her. Ash paled, she had hoped never to hear that voice again. Ash slowly turned around and saw King Kirnon and Queen Ashera, her old queen and king, from the Oqira Dimension. She gulped and took a few steps back, afraid. "How are you here?! You shouldn't be here!" Ash yelled, tears threatening to fall. "Is that any way to address your king and queen?" Queen Ashera asked. King Kirnon waved his hand and an invisible force pushed Ash to her knees. Queen Ashera curled her finger and another force brought Ash closer to them. Queen Ashera grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at them. "You could use a little less food," she said before letting her chin go. "What do you want from me?!" Ash cried trying to move but the force kept her in place. "We just want our favorite slave back," Queen Ashera said caressing her cheek. "I died in your dimension! I can't go back or my soul will disappear!" "Yes, well, we have figured out a way to take you back and keep you there for all of eternity," King Kirnon said. Ash started to cry hard. "Oh, sweet stupid slave, don't cry. We will make sure to erase all your memories of this dimension and the people here. You will go back just the way it was beforehand," Queen Ashera said patting her head. "Stay away from me!" Ash cried. Queen Ashera narrowed her eyes. She grabbed Ash's wrist and a wave of agonizing pain zipped through her. Ash screamed in agony until Queen Ashera let her go. "Here is what you are going to do little slave, in three days we will send a slave to come pick you up. You will go with them willingly and if you don't, we will come and make you," King Kirnon started, Ash flinched at the thought, knowing full well, they'd hypnotize her, "And we will make you watch as we kill everyone you love and care for. Then, we will happily take our granddaughter from this dimension and teach our ways!" "NO! YOU STAY AWAY FROM THEM! ESPECIALLY ADRI!" Ash screamed. King Kirnon slapped her to where she fell on the floor. "Do NOT talk back to your king and queen! You do NOT scream at us!" "Calm down, my husband, her freedom has made her forget the rules we made sure to drill down deep into her mind. When we get her back, we will make sure to redrill it into her mind," Queen Ashera said placing a hand on King Kirnon's shoulder. Ash tried to get up from the ground but found she couldn't move. "The choice is yours on what you want to do slave," King Kirnon said, "but either way, you're getting punished. 

  Ash woke up and quickly sat up, breathing heavily. She looked around and gave a sigh in relief to find she was in her room. She stood up and started pacing. "I can't stay here, they'll kill Verity and the others..." she thought to herself, "But if I leave before they get here, they'll look at it as if I don't care about them enough for them to put the effort of killing them. I have to run away..." Ash quickly and silently got dressed. She picked up her phone and texted Adrianna, "R u busy? If u aren't, come 2 the house. I am in my room. I need some help with something." "Be there in a few seconds :)" Adrianna texted back. She appeared in Ash's room not ten seconds later. She smiled at Ash, "What's up?" "You remember that spell that Markus put on Clara to make it to where you couldn't track her down? No one could," Ash asked. "Can't forget it," Adrianna responded, shrugging, "Why?" "Do you know how to do it?" "Yeah, Markus taught me the other day, said in the future it could be useful." "I need you to do it on me..." Adrianna didn't say anything at first. "Ash, is everything okay? What's going on?" she asked after a moment. "My old king and queen invaded my dream and threatened me if I didn't go back willingly in three days, they'd kill everyone I love and take you back to the Oqira Dimension!" Ash explained quickly, panic in her voice. "Wha-What? We need to tell Verity!" Adrianna exclaimed. "No! It'll put her in danger! I need to leave!" Ash said quickly grabbing Adri's hand before she left to find Verity. "What do you mean, leave?" Adrianna asked. "I... I am going to run away..." Ash stuttered slightly. "What?! No! Look how well running away went for my mama!" "I can't stay here! This is the only way to protect you guys!" "But..." "Please Adri, do this as my friend..." Adrianna sighed but nodded. She grabbed Ash's hands, closed her eyes and started muttering something. Her palms glowed a bright green before seeping into Ash. Adrianna stopped muttering, letting go of Ash and opening her eyes. "There, no one or nothing can track you now. Where am I taking you?" "You don't have to do that Adri..." "Where Ash?" Ash bit her lip and thought about it. "New York City. It's filled with homeless people and just regular people. It will be harder to find me there." Adrianna nodded. Ash put her phone under her bed, she didn't want someone to track her through that. Adrianna grabbed her arm and transported her to New York. 

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