Chapter 53

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   Clara entered her childhood home. She frowned as she went through the mansion, greeting some guards, maids, and butlers. She went to a storage closet and stored the contract in a secret back corner she had found when she was little. She used to keep candy back there being as her father didn't always allow her to have sweets. Plus, she never told anyone about it, making it the perfect spot to hide something. After making sure it was hidden well, she closed the closet and decided to go back up to her old room. When she entered, she realized it was just as messy as she last left it. She went over and picked up an old pack of cigarettes, half empty. She took one out and fidgetted with it. She didn't remember where she had her matches, she probably wouldn't smoke it even if she knew where they were but it was tempting. She put the cigarette down and went over to her desk, a Bible open on it. She closed it to find a picture of her and Shane underneath it. She smiled and picked it up. She had stopped carrying with her everywhere a while ago. She folded it in half before tucking it in her pocket. She took out her phone and called Claytin. "Hey, what's up Clara?" Claytin answered. "Hey, I know I said I'd be back later but I think I am going to stay on this side of Paris tonight. I have a friend I've been meaning to meet up with and I've got nothing going on today and tomorrow. You good with that?" Clara asked. "Yeah, are you sure you want to stay in the mansion though? I am sure Markus would be willing to pick you up later." "No, I know but just easier. I wanted to do some things here anyhow." "Alright, love you. See you tomorrow." "Love you too. I'll call before Adri goes to bed to say goodnight." Clara hung up and texted Zuria. "I'm at the mansion. Come over." "Already on my way." 

   A few minutes later Zuria came and found Clara. "Took you long enough to come back to this side," she said going up to Clara. Clara rolled her eyes, "I've been busy." "Yeah, and I need to meet your baby boy!" "Be careful, I don't want anyone who shouldn't find out actually finding out about him!" Clara said quickly covering Zuria's mouth, "Life has been one complicated mess the last little while." Zuria removed Clara's hand and asked, "Should we just talk in French then?" "Yeah, that would be a good idea," Clara said nodding in agreement. Zuria and Clara hung out for a few hours before Clara had an idea. "Hey, would you want to help me with something?" she asked Zuria. "Sure, what's up?" Clara led Zuria to another secret spot in the mansion that Clara had not told anyone about. It was a small room, a few boxes in it. "What is all this?" Zuria asked. "Memories," Clara responded, "Little things I've kept over the years that my father would rather have burned." Clara opened one of the boxes, it had the photo album Claytin sent her for her birthday one year and a few other pictures. Zuria helped Clara take out the boxes from the room and they went into a room that was basically empty. "This room used to be where my father and I worked on locating the court," Clara said pointing to the map of Paris, "But now, I want to use it for these things. Give it a better message I guess." Zuria smiled and nodded. They put pictures in frames and decorated the room with everything Clara had saved. There was a small wall with shelves that Clara didn't let Zuria do anything with until the end. The last box was filled with things that looked like everyday items. "What is all this?" Zuria asked. "Items I had with me every time Shane and I got in a fight, every fallout," Clara explained picking up a Bible that she had ripped apart in anger when she was seventeen and told Shane to leave and never return to Paris. Four months before she ran away from home. "Why do you have these?" Zuria asked. "Because, even after every fallout we came back as friends. He stuck with me even when I was too stubborn to listen to him. He is my brother, even if it's not by blood and I rather die than lose him. I just don't admit it a lot." Clara put the items on the shelves before putting pictures of him and her on the empty spaces on the wall. "So you have a special spot for your best friend but not your husband?" Zuria asked laughing. Clara shrugged and pointed to the wall with the pictures from the double wedding. "That's special enough for him," she laughed. Zuria smiled and looked to Shane's wall. "I don't think I've met anyone that close with someone." Clara shrugged, "I'd die for Shane. Though he has been acting strangely lately. I wish I knew why." 

   Clara was about to say something when she started feeling like she was being watched. Zuria opened her mouth to speak but Clara was fast and covered her mouth. She closed her eyes and listened. There was a silence except for the guards, maids, and butlers moving around in the hallways. There was something off, she could feel it. She went over to a window and looked outside, there wasn't anyone. She shook off the feeling and they headed to Clara's room. Clara was entering when she quickly and quietly shut the door and pushed Zuria away. "Zuria, go hide!" she whisper yelled. "What?! Why? What's going on?" Zuria whispered back. "Just go! Trust me!" Zuria hesitated but went to hide. Clara took a breath and entered her room. 

   "Hello Henry," she said crossing her arms looking onto her balcony. Henry Hook, son of Captain Hook, stood there back to her. He turned and faced her and Clara looked him over. He had the same messy black hair that spiked up a bit in places. He wore an eyepatch over his right eye. Clara had taken it years ago when he attacked her, she still had it in a jar stashed in the back of her closet. Markus had put a spell on it to keep it fresh all those years ago. She was going to put it in the memory room after Zuria left. He now had a magical prosthetic eye but he liked to cover it with the patch, the eye could see through it. His left had was gone, replaced by a hook, like his dad's. He had done that a year or so after he lost his eye. "Frollo, hello," he greeted. "What are you doing in my house?" Clara asked taking out her dagger. He laughed at this, "A dagger against my sword and hook? Good luck with that." "Answer my question Hook." "I came for you." "Get out before I cut you to shreds." "Oh come on girly, it's been a while since we had our little banters," Henry laughed, "We didn't get to during the meeting." "Banter? Our banter is you trying to make me your property!" She wasn't exaggerating. Henry saw all females as property to males, all but one, his younger cousin who he didn't see as a girl and just his cousin. If Henry caught someone who caught his eye, it took a lot to get him to leave her alone. Usually, he would kidnap them, beat them, do whatever he wants with them and then leaves them hurt and alone somewhere random. But with Clara, ever since she took his eye, he had wanted her and to keep her locked away. "It's been years and you have yet to have me Henry. Markus, Garrett, Dawn and Anna got me before you could even leave a scar on me!" "There is still time," Henry said coming up to Clara and raising her hook to her cheek but Clara quickly pushed his arm away. "Get out before I call the guards!" Henry hooked her arm and pulled her in close, "I'll get you one day." He let her go and jumped off her balcony, leaving. Clara closed her eyes and took a few breaths. She had kept Henry's creepy want for her a secret from everyone. It had settled down some when she moved out of the mansion but after this visit, she had a feeling it was about to get a lot worse for her and eventually, soon most likely, she'd have to tell her husband and best friend about what was happening. 

   Later that night, Clara laid on her bed and called Claytin. Zuria had left right after the Henry situation. Clara had asked her to leave and refused to tell her anything. It took Claytin a minute to answer but when he did, Clara smiled, hearing her husband's voice and her eyes teared up some. "Hey baby, I was starting to think you wouldn't call," Claytin said. "Yeah, sorry lost track of time. Is she still up?" "They both are," Claytin said. She heard him moving and eventually, she heard Adrianna and Lyle. "You're on speaker Clara," Claytin said after a moment. "Hey babies," Clara said giving a small smile. "Hi, mama! Is everything ok? Are you and papa in another fight?" Adrianna asked. Clara gave a small laugh, "No sweetheart, I just had somethings to do here. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon." "I miss you!" "I miss you too Adri, I miss all of you. I love you." "Love you too." "Now get to bed, it's late and your papa has to put Lyle down." "Night mama! Night papa!" "Night baby girl." Clara listened as Adrianna left the room and stayed on the phone as Claytin put Lyle down. After a few minutes, Claytin finally started talking to her again. "I'm in our room, both of them are out like a light." "Alright, I'll see ya tomorrow then." "Clara, wait. You sound shaken up. Is everything ok?" Clara didn't respond right away, trying to decide whether to lie or tell the truth. Something inside of her told her to tell the truth, she was tired of lying to her husband, exhausted even. She sighed and let herself cry, "No, no everything isn't okay. I've had a really bad afternoon. It started off great and then it went downhill from there." "Clara, baby, what happened?" Claytin asked concerned. "Just, someone from my past showed up and said something. I'm not ready to say everything but I really just need to hear your voice right now..." she cried. "Clara, do you want me to ask Markus to bring you back tonight? He is staying the night here with Jana..." Claytin asked. "I want to come home to you but I am fine for the night. I'll get on the bus tomorrow to come back. I just really needed to hear you and such..." "Alright baby, I'm here and I'm not hanging up until you want me to." "I love you so much Claytin..." "I love you too Clara."

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