Chapter 16

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   Shane and Charlene are spending time together in the living room at their house. They're both laying on the couch, with Shadow napping close by. "Shane, do you ever wonder if there's other people like Midas out there?" asks Charlene. Shane chuckles. "What do you mean? Hero Kids turned villains or people with incredibly thick skulls?" he jokes. Charlene laughs. "I could be talking about both! But I mean the first one. Do you think there are any other VHKs out there in the world?" Shane sighs. "I have no doubt," he says. "There's enough HVKS to form a complete organization, so there's bound to be an abundance of VHKs, too." "Well, let's just hope that we don't encounter anymore, cause Midas in a handful," says Charlene. "Agreed," says Shane.

   "Hey, Char. Look at me." Charlene faces Shane. "What is it, babe?" she asks with a big smile. "Oh, I just realized that it's been way too long since I properly admired how beautiful you are," Shane answers. Charlene blushes and look away. "Really? Even with this scar on my face?" Shane smiles. "Especially with that scar on your face. Besides, it's barely noticeable. And if you really had a problem with it, you could've just asked me to heal it," he says. Charlene playfully punches him. "Shut up! I forgot!" she laughs. Shane smooshes her face and kisses her. "I've always wanted to do that," he says. "Ooh! Shane Facilier, I didn't know you had it in you!" Charlene exclaims. "There's a lot of things you still don't know about me, Hon," says Shane with a wink.

   They get up from the couch. "Well, I should probably get ready for this sword lesson," says Charlene. Shane puts on his jacket. "Oh, nice! Who's coming over?" Allara bursts in through the front door. "Hi! Sorry, am I late?" she says. Shadow wakes up from her nap and runs over to Allara. "Oh, hey, Shadow! How are you today?" Shadow runs into the backyard. "Wait! Hold on, Shadow!" Allara chases after her. Charlene giggles. "Shadow is too cute! I doubt she'd harm a soul," she says. "Well, let's hope for Midas's sake that we never find out," says Shane. He reaches into his jacket pocket. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to take care of something really quickly," he says.

   Shane steps outside and looks at the note. "Alright, Helga. Tell me what's new," he says. It had been another two months and the note finally was close enough to where only a city and a few small villages were left on the map. At the bottom, some words of advice, "It's safe to go. DO NOT LOOK FOR THE OBVIOUS!!! She will be in disguise, even going as far as different color contacts for her eyes. Don't try to listen for her voice/accent. She knows how to change her voice and she can do plenty of accents. She still has her branding, so if you see a girl with a branded cross on the back of her neck, that's most likely her. If it comes down to it, she of course, still has her own memories. Good luck," -H  Charlene steps outside. "Shane, is that what you were talking about the whole time? That's your 'way of finding out' about Clara?" she asks. Shane nods. "Yeah. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm heading to Africa," he says. Charlene chuckles. "Alright, but what do you want me to tell the others?" "That I've gone off the grid." Shane tips his cap as he vanishes into thin air, making his way to Africa. 

   Once he arrives, he follows the map to the village. "Alright, Shane. Remember what Helga said. 'Do not look for the obvious.' Got it." There was a bunch of people running around. Many were going up to a man. No children were in sight at the moment. "Well, Shane. You're all alone in a brand new place that you know jack squat about, and this is the first thing you see." Shane sighs. "Well, might as well be a hero." A girl noticed him and went over to the man. she said a few words before going back to her chores. It soon became obvious, they were running around doing chores. "Oh. Guess there's no trouble after all," says Shane. "Well, time to go check out the scene." He begins walking around to get his bearings and see the sights. The man walked up to him, "Welcome to our little village, we don't get many visitors. My name is Chief Lekan, what brings you here?" he asked. Shane panics. He's never met a chief before. "Oh, uh, should I bow or something?" he asks nervously. Chief Lakan chuckled, "it is fine, I just keep this place together." "Oh, good," Shane sighs. Well, I'm just, uh, visiting. My name's Shane Facilier." "A Facilier? Your father wouldn't happen to be Dr. Facilier, would he?" Shane nods his head. "Unfortunately. But I just want to make one thing clear. I'm not like him. At all," he says. "There is someone you should meet, I think she might like you," Chief Lekan said, "Would you like to meet her?" "Sure thing!" 

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