Chapter 9

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   "Adrianna, are you sure about this?" Ash asked chasing after Adrianna. They had just snuck away from Verity and were heading towards the stables. "Yes, I am very sure!" Adrianna said as they got there. Ash sighed and ran over to Gabriel who was already there waiting. They hugged each other before sitting down. "You guys ready?" Adrianna asked. They nodded. Adrianna used her powers to do the finding spell Doreen had taught her. It would break through any magic defense on any place. She couldn't use it more than once every six months though, it took that much power and energy. A cloud of green smoke appeared, Ash flinching at it as she slightly hid behind Gabriel. In the middle of the green smoke, the spell showed. Clara was chained in a dark cell. Dawn, Anna, and Garrett were abusing her. Garrett had a knife as he stabbed her over and over again as Clara cried out in pain. Adrianna let out a cry. "Adrianna, look away," Gabriel said quickly. Adrianna sighed and remembered the other transporting spell Doreen taught her. "I am going to help her..." Adrianna said. Ash quickly caught onto the other spell. "Adri! No!" Adrianna ignored her, waved her hand and disappeared, along with the green smoke. "NO!" Ash screamed. 

   Gabriel gave a curse in french. "I am going to call Verity and Shane now..." Ash said taking out her phone. "Yeah, that might be a good idea..." Ash called Verity. "Hey, Ash. How's it going?" "Uh, not so good. Gabriel and I are at Clara's stables. Can you come? Quickly? I have to call Shane too and get him here. We can explain when your here. And sorry Adri and I snuck off..." "Uh, sure. And it's fine. Are you in danger?" "I'm not but um, Adri is. I'll explain when both you and Shane get here..." Ash said. "Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can." "Thanks," Ash hung up and went to Shane number. "He is going to be more angry," she sighed. "Probably but he'll be angrier if we don't tell him and Claytin is going to be the one most angry," Gabriel said. "True..." Ash called Shane. "What's up, Ash? Something wrong?" "Yeah, kinda. Can you come to the stables? I can explain then..." Ash sighed. "Yeah, totally. I'll be there soon." "Thanks," Ash hung up and went over to Gabriel going behind him slightly. "We are in so much trouble..." she muttered. 

   Shane and Verity appear at the stables. "Alright, so what's the trouble?" Shane asks. "Well, for the past week, Adrianna, Gabriel and I have been planning this. Adri had contacted Doreen who taught her two spells. One of them was strong enough to break through a spell blocking us from seeing where Clara was but it only works once and we had to get something that was important to her. That's why she and I went to Belle's kingdom the other day. We found Misty and a sack with Clara's dagger and wedding rings. Misty is in Olympus with her dad right now by the way. Anyways we came here and did the spell and it worked. It didn't really tell us exactly where she was but..." Ash paused, "I guess Doreen taught her another transportation spell. Because we didn't know exactly where it was so Adrianna shouldn't have been able to go..." "So Adrianna's going all over to find Clara? This is not good," says Verity. "Not exactly. She actually got went to where Clara was. And the worse part... Clara was being tortured. There were three people..." "Anna, Dawn and Garrett, if Markus was there, he was out of sight..." Gabriel interrupted. "Yeah, right, um they were kicking and punching even stabbing her and we tried to stop Adrianna but she was gone before we knew it. The original plan was to find where she was and tell you two. We didn't even know about Doreen teaching Adrianna about the transporting spell." Shane groans. "I can't believe this. What can we do?" "I don't know. The spell doesn't tell you where someone is. All we know was she looked like she was in a cell and chained up. As soon as Adrianna left, the spell stopped..." "I'm gonna call Claytin," says Shane. "Maybe he can shed some light on this." "No, Adrianna is already going to kill me for calling you! There was a reason I didn't call Claytin!" Ash exclaimed. "Then why'd you call us in the first place if there's nothing we can do?" Verity places her hand on Shane's shoulder. "Calm down, son." "I don't know. Honestly, I don't. neither Gabriel or I have any magic, and I'm not an adult. I just want to help her but I don't know how. I told her it was a stupid idea and that we should have just left it to you guys but she refused to listen," Ash started to cry and Gabriel pulled her into a hug. "Adri has magic, so that might come in handy. The only other one with Clara who has magic is Markus. Maybe she'll be able to get Clara out..." he said trying to calm Ash down. "If Markus rears his ugly head, I'll be sure to be the last thing he sees," says Shane.

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