Chapter 54

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    Midas and Eris wait at the mansion, ready for the ambush. "We're in position. Is everyone else ready?" says Midas into his phone. "Ready," answers Shane. Clara was in her room packing when she felt like someone else was here. She had called off the guards, maids, and butlers for the rest of the day so it should have been just her here. She put her cloak hood up and left her room quietly going to a wall that she could look out from to see the entrance without being seen. She had used this spot a lot when she was younger to see when her father had come home. Midas and Eris were both hiding in the nearby trees, disguised by one of Midas's spells. "I think I hear her," whispers Eris. "Should we attack yet?" "Not yet, Eris. Wait until she's in plain sight," says Midas. Clara waited for a few minutes but after a bit, she reluctantly left her hiding spot and went back into her room to grab the last of her things before she had to catch the bus. She probably should just call Adrianna or Markus but she felt like doing what she used to do before she could just depend on others magic. She grabbed a beer bottle before texting Claytin she was leaving in about ten minutes. "Ready, Eris?" "Ready. Let's go." They continue to sneak around outside of the mansion, waiting for so she should make it by dinner. She made sure to lock her balcony doors before leaving her room and locking it. "Okay, I think she's coming," says Midas. "What's the plan?" "I freeze her so she doesn't try to escape, then you silence her with a spell. After that, I'll call the others, while Shane pretends to rescue her," says Eris. Clara put her phone away and took out her dagger, fidgeting with it. She was about to go downstairs but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. "One bad thing about mansions, I can't be everywhere and see everything. I really shouldn't have called off the guards..." she muttered to herself. She went downstairs and put the now empty beer bottle on a table knowing someone would clean it up tomorrow when they came. "What about Garrett and the others? How are they gonna get here?" asks Midas. "I'm on my way to get them right now," says Shane. "We know Clara's at your location. Now we're just waiting on your word." Clara went to the front door and was about to open it when she stopped. "Whoever is here is outside..." she said to herself, "Jesus why did I just realize this. I'm dumb." She had learned how to sense when there was trouble around though sometimes, when she was in a hurry, things slipped her mind. Like to lock the front door again when she decided to wait a bit longer and find another way out. "Shoot," says Eris. "Slight change of plan. We just go for it. I don't think there's any guards around, so we should be good." "But what about Clara? She's deadly with that dagger," says Midas. Eris grins. "I'll handle that." Clara got her dagger out and ready. She pushed the library door open and went behind it. She didn't know if whoever was out there was going to come in but if they did, she'd be ready and they wouldn't see her. And if they didn't come in, she could make a plan to get out without being noticed. 

   Clara heard them come in and was able to peak out to see it was Eris and Midas before going back to her hiding spot. "Of course it's them. Why wouldn't it be?" she thought to herself. Her grip tightened on her dagger. Every door was closed in this place except for the library so it was either a dead give away she was in here or they might see it as her trying to trick them into thinking she was in here. Either way, it was two against one. They had the advantage in numbers, she had the advantage of this place. She knew it better than they ever would and if needed, she was in a room that she could easily get into the secret one below. The good thing, Markus never lifted the spell that he put on her to keep Eris from being able to freeze her head or heart so that will keep her not in Anna's shoes. Midas notices the open library door. "Oh, you thought you could escape, didn't you?" says Midas. "Shall we, Eris?" "Let's." They enter the library and prepare for a fight. Clara was ready for it, she could hear them perfectly well from out there. She attacked, ending up stabbing Midas in the shoulder before getting out of the library before either of the two could do anything. "Oh I have been wanting to do that for a while now!" she said. She honestly could have probably hit in a more lethal spot but it was kinda a blur. Midas yells. "Eris, we've gotta keep going!" "No! I've got this." She texts Shane a message: "It's time for you to come over and handle this." Knowing better than to stay in one spot, Clara quickly ran upstairs and to her original hiding spot, watching the entrance to see when Eris and Midas left the library. This partly gave her more advantage, with one Midas being injured and two, she had higher ground. 

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