Old Dreams

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Krystal's POV

"Krogan, stop!"

"Oh, don't worry, Hiccup. You'll be next after she dies."

Krystal flies upright in her bed, hand clenching her leg and breathing heavily. Shadow walks over from where he was sleeping and nuzzles the girl.

"I'm okay, Shadow. I'm okay." Krystal says, almost to herself. She hadn't had that dream since a month ago, when it started to die off. Krystal had thought that she was finally free from the horror of that day, but apparently not.

Krystal gets up and walks out of her hut. Shadow follows the girl up to the stables, where she sits to watch the sunrise. Whenever she had a bad nightmare, Krystal would come up here. The sunrise always seemed to calm her. Maybe it was because it was the beginning of a new day. Or it was because this is where Hiccup had comforted her after her wound had healed. Whatever the reason, she enjoyed this spot.

"You okay?" A voice hits Krystal's ears and she turns around. Hiccup sits next to her, sleep still in his bright green eyes.

"Yeah. It was just a dream." Krystal replies, leaning on his shoulder.

"From the..." Hiccup questions. Krystal nods. Hiccup wraps his arms around her and pulls her close.

"You're okay. You're safe."

"I know I am, but I can't forget his screams, Hiccup. I always feel like he's staring down my neck, waiting for revenge, even though I know it's impossible that he could still be alive." Krystal says. Hiccup kisses Krystal's forehead and rests his chin on her head.

"I know. I've had nightmares where I wasn't there in time to save you and..." Krystal looks up as Hiccup's voice hitches. His green eyes held unfallen tears. Krystal leans up and kisses the boy on the cheek.

"But you did get there in time. You saved me, Hiccup. I'll always be grateful for that." Hiccup smiles, and pulls Krystal back into his arms.

"I love you, Krystal."

"I love you too, Hiccup."

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