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Hiccup's POV

Krystal seemed to drag her feet the entire way to Newton's hide-out. Hiccup finally convinces her to sleep, but she only agreed hesitantly. Although, after a few minutes of Hiccup gently playing with her hair, the girl was fast asleep. Hiccup inches out from under her head and walks outside. Newton was sitting down, eyes on the forest ahead.

"How is she?" Newton asks as Hiccup approaches.

"She's asleep. She'll be fine for now, but we need to get Shadow back as soon as we can. He's a part of her." Hiccup replies, sitting down.

"I understand. I know what it's like to feel like your dragon is a part of you. You don't feel the same when they're gone." Newt says, looking at Bismuth as he plays with Toothless.

"I wanted to thank you for getting Krystal and me out of there. If you hadn't, we'd be Cavendish's hostages now." Hiccup thanks.

"No problem. I heard he was back in the neighborhood and I knew of Krystal's past with him. I figured I should keep an eye on him, in case he was back because of her. Looks like I was right." Newt says.

"How long had you and Krystal survived together?" Hiccup asks.

"We met when I was 10. She was trying to steal the same thing I was, and we managed to get it and some extra by working together. After that, we sorta clicked. She helped me save Bismuth from a smuggler when he was a baby." Newton explains. "She's always had a soft spot for dragons." Hiccup laughs.

"She still does."

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