Back on the Edge

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A/n: I'm back, homies! :D

Astrid's POV

"Astrid, I'm sure they're okay." Fishlegs says, watching the pacing girl.

"I know, Fishlegs, I just...I've got a bad feeling. They should've been back already." Astrid replies, looking out at the sky. The twins were supposed to be keeping a lookout for Krystal and Hiccup, but Astrid doubted that they were even paying attention. She had sent Snotlout to check on them.

"Dragon incoming!" Speaking of the devil, Snotlout comes barreling into the hut.

"Big dragon! Big dragon!" Tuffnut shouts as he bursts in the door. Astrid grabs her ax and runs out, quickly followed by the others. Looking up, she spots a large shadow of a dragon bearing toward them.

"Uh, that's not one dragon, that's two." Fishlegs says as the shadow seemed to split as it got closer. Astrid finally recognizes the second shadow.

"It's Hiccup and Toothless." She smiles, relief flooding her.

"Who's the other dragon though? That's not Shadow." Fishlegs points out. As the dragons got closer, Astrid realizes that it was a Deadly Nadder. Its rider urged the dragon to land, followed by Hiccup and Toothless. Astrid spots Krystal behind Hiccup, protectively clutching a shoulder bag and wearing a solemn expression.

'Something happened.'

Krystal's POV

"Hiccup! Krystal!" Astrid hugs the two riders.

"What happened? Where's Shadow?" Fishlegs asks.

"Long story, but he's been captured. We need to gear up." Hiccup says, brushing past the boy and making his way towards the stables.

"Who is he?" Tuffnut demands, examining Newt.

"Tuffnut, this is Newton. He and I used to work together. The Nadder is Bismuth." Krystal says. "Newt, meet Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, and the twins, Tuffnut and Ruffnut."

"Pleasure to meet you all." Newt smiles. Ruffnut leans over, smiling at the boy.

"Hi, I'm Ruffnut." She says.

"Hi." Newt replies awkwardly, edging slightly away from the girl. Interrupting Ruffnut's flirting, Fishlegs walks between the two and over to Krystal.

"Krystal, what's in the bag?" He asks. He had noticed the odd round shape of the bag and his curiosity rose. Krystal slowly opens the bag for Fishlegs to peek in. Snotlout comes up behind the boy and looks in as well.

"That's an egg!" Snotlout exclaims, peering at the purple shell.

"It's not just an egg. It's a Scaleshifter egg." Krystal explains.

"This is amazing! Do you know what this means for the species?" Fishlegs exclaims.

"Nothing, unless we get Shadow back." Krystal looks over to see Hiccup, ready to go.

"Gear up, gang. We're heading back to the Northern Markets."

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