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Krystal's POV

"We have to find Shadow. Only Thor knows what Cavendish will do to him." Krystal says.

"You won't be able to get off the island without being spotted. If Cavendish is still searching for you, he'll have every hunter on this island looking for you." Newton points out. Toothless brushes his nose against Krystal as she sighs in defeat.

"Don't worry, Krystal. We'll find him." Hiccup says, placing a hand on her shoulder. Krystal looks down at the egg in her hand. The unborn Scaleshifter that had caused all of this. Krystal wanted to blame everything on it, but she didn't have the heart to do it. It wasn't it's fault.

"You're right. But we do need to get out of here, for Shadow's and the baby's sake." Krystal says. Newt smiles.

"I think I know someone who can help."


"Dagur?!" Hiccup stares in disbelief at the man in front of him.

"Hiccup! It's so good to see you again!" Dagur practically crushes Hiccup in a hug. Krystal looks at the two in confusion.

"Uh, I'm guessing you know each other." Newt comments.

"Yeah, you could say that." Hiccup squeaks.

"Dagur, put Hiccup down." Krystal says. The man complies and Hiccup sucks in a breath.

"Ah, Hiccup, I see you. Finally got a girl." Dagur teases, elbowing the boy.

"Shut up, Dagur. We didn't come here for your jokes." Krystal interrupts.

"Apologizes, Krystal." Dagur smiles.

"If you hadn't realized already, Cavendish is back." Newt says. "We need help with getting off the island."

"Ugh, Cavendish. Never really liked him." Dagur comments.

"Well, he's got my dragon and we need to get off this island so I can get Shadow back." Krystal says. Something reflected in Dagur's eyes and he nods.

"I'll help you. Come on. We don't have much time."


"Alright, we clear." Dagur leads Hiccup, Krystal, Newton, Bismuth, and Toothless away from the searching hunters. They reach a large clearing. "Quickly, while they're gone." Krystal mounts behind Hiccup and makes sure the egg is secure before wrapping her arms around Hiccup's waist.

"Thank you, Dagur." Krystal says.

"Just keep Hiccup out of trouble for me and we'll call it even." Dagur teases. Krystal smiles and nods.

"Let's go." Newt says from on top of Bismuth. The Nadder takes to the sky, Toothless right behind. Krystal looks back and sees Dagur's outline as they fly away from the Northern Markets.

'Thanks a lot, Dagur. I promise I'll make it up to you.'

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