Old Friends

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Krystal's POV

"Newton?!" The boy smiles at Krystal, his brown eyes twinkling.

"The one and only." Krystal hugs the boy.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you since..."

"Since the last time we went to the market." Newton says. Krystal nods.

"How's Bismuth?" As soon as she said his name, the green Deadly Nadder jumps out of the bushes. He squawks happily at the girl, nuzzling her. Krystal and Newton had saved the Nadder when he was a hatchling. Now he was fully grown.

"Krystal?" Hiccup says quietly. Krystal runs to his side, helping him sit up.

"Hiccup, you're okay. How are you feeling?" Krystal asks, checking the boy for any injuries.

"I'm fine. Where's Toothless?" Hiccup replies. A loud roar interrupts him and Toothless appears, growling at Newton and Bismuth.

"Easy there, dragon." Newton chuckles nervously as the Night Fury growls at him. Bismuth plants himself between Newt and the dragon, chirping at Toothless.

"Toothless, calm down." Krystal says. Recognizing the girl, the Night Fury purrs, pupils dilating. He spots Hiccup on the ground behind her and runs to the boy, licking him.

"Ah, Toothless, bud, stop it!" Hiccup laughs.

"You have a Night Fury? That's amazing!" Newton exclaims.

"Who are you?" Hiccup asks.

"Hiccup, this is Newton. He and I scavenged the market together when I was younger. Newt, this is Hiccup, my boyfriend." Krystal introduces.

"Ah, I see you, Krys." Newt smiles and nudges the girl with his elbow.

"Shut up, Newt." Krystal says, blushing.

"Nice to meet you, Newton. I'm sure Krystal kept you in plenty of trouble." Hiccup says. Newton nods.

"Only a couple of times." Newt laughs. Krystal intervenes.

"Newt, did you see what happened to Shadow? I don't know if he made it out." The boy's demeanor fell.

"When I spotted him, he was trapped in Deathsong amber. I'm sorry, Krystal. They got him." Krystal felt as if her entire world came crashing in.

"Krystal!" Hiccup catches the girl as she collapses, tears streaming from her eyes. Newt looks at her in concern. "Krystal, it's okay. I'm here." Newt quickly interrupts, worried about the hunters that were most likely searching for them.

"Come on. I've got a place where we can hide out."

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