A Snoggletog to Remember

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Hiccup's POV

Hiccup was going to make this the best Snoggletog Krystal had ever had. He had a whole plan too, thanks to Astrid. Now he just had to find Krystal.

"What does he do?"

"He does all sorts of things. Shadow's one of a kind." Hiccup follows the voices and finds Krystal surrounded by a pack of little kids. They were all asking her questions about Shadow, who glazed at each one of them curiously. He smiles as Krystal shows the kids how Shadow can change the color of his scales, startling and enlightening the young ones.

"Krystal, come with me. There's something I want to show you." Hiccup interrupts.

"Sorry, kids. I've got to go, but Shadow will stay with you all while I'm gone." Krystal says. An "aw" echoes through the children, but they nod in understanding. Hiccup gingerly takes the girl's hand and leads her into the forest.

"Where are we going?" Krystal asks.

"You'll find out." Hiccup smiles. After getting to a short distance from their destination, Hiccup looks at Krystal.

"You have to close your eyes." He says.


"Just trust me." Krystal smiles, but obeys. Hiccup takes both of the girl's hands and leads her closer.

"Okay, you can open your eyes." Krystal opens her eyes and gasps at the sight.

"Hiccup, this was our Friendship Tree." Krystal smiles. Carved in the trunk were the words "H + K, friends forever" in both of their handwriting. Krystal runs her fingers over them.

"I remember carving this like it was yesterday." Krystal states.

"I figured we could go through some of our old traditions." Hiccup says. Krystal smiles.

"I would like that very much."

Krystal's POV

After doing many things that they did as children, Krystal and Hiccup sat watching the sunset. Shadow and Toothless were playing behind them, growling playfully.

"I've got one more thing for you." Hiccup says. He pulls out a bag from his side and hands it to Krystal. "Happy Snoggletog."

"Hiccup, you shouldn't have." Krystal laughs. She opens the bag to find a small blue cupcake inside, recently made. The cupcake itself brought back a flood of memories. "Hiccup...I..."

"You remember, don't you?" Hiccup asks.

"Yes. Thank you, Hiccup." Krystal smiles, tears in her eyes. Hiccup kisses her softly.

"You're welcome."

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