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Krystal's POV

Shadow roars loudly at the Deathsong, which roars back. Krystal dodges as the two dragons clash. Shadow was slightly smaller than the Deathsong, and much more maneuverable. Shadow skirts around the Deathsong and latches onto its hind leg. The Deathsong screeches in pain and turns on Shadow, who jumps back easily. The two dragons battle back and forth. Krystal pushes herself against a wall, determined to not get in the way.

"Shadow!" Krystal shouts as the Deathsong flings the Scaleshiter across the arena, who lands with a loud crash. The Deathsong, seeming to just realize she was there, stalks toward her. Krystal tries to run to the other side of the arena, but the Deathsong encases her feet in amber. The girl attempts to pull her feet out, but the amber dries too quickly, sticking her to the ground. The Deathsong growls excitedly as it nears her. Right as it goes to take a bite of Krystal, Shadow appears, jumping onto the Deathsong's back. The Deathsong tries to hit Shadow with its amber, hitting everything but the Scaleshifter. Several spectators were encased, the commentator being one of them. An amber shot barely misses Krystal head, which she was thankful for.

Shadow's advantage is short-lived, though. The Deathsong manages to catch Shadow's tail in its jaws and rips the dragon off its back. Shadow shrieks in pain as the Deathsong pins him under its talons.

"Shadow, no!" Krystal screams, but she was still stuck in the amber. The Deathsong opens its jaws and goes to bite down Shadow's neck, but is interrupted by a loud explosion on the far side of the arena. Toothless launches himself at the Deathsong with a roar. Stormfly, Meatlug, Hookfang, Barf and Belch, and Bismuth appear, followed by the dragons that had been caged. Their riders were not far behind.

Krystal cries as she sees Hiccup. His green eyes search the arena. When he meets her own blue orbs, relief and happiness reflect in his eyes and he runs to her.

"Krystal." He engulfs her in a hug. "You're okay. I'm here."

"Hiccup, I love you." Krystal cries.

"I love you too, Krystal. Now, let's get you and Shadow out of here." Hiccup activates his flame-sword and easily cuts through the amber. Within moments, Krystal was in his arms.

"Let's get out of here, gang!" Hiccup shouts. Toothless finishes with the Deathsong, who crouches in a corner in fear. The Night Fury roars at the Deathsong one last time before running over to Hiccup and Krystal. Hiccup mounts with Krystal behind him, launching upward. Krystal watches as Stormfly and Hookfang gently lift the tired Shadow into the air while Fishlegs, Newton, and the twins get the freed dragons. She sees Cavendish staring after her as they fly away, leaving the arena in chaos.

Cavendish's POV

Cavendish watches as the riders fly off. The girl had been more than he had expected, impressing him. One who could turn a dragon from the effects of Deathsong venom truly had a bond with the dragon. Not even Cavendish could deny that.

"Well done, young one. May your life be blessed."

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