The Market-place

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A/n: I'm so sorry for not getting this updated faster. Thank you for being patient! <3

Krystal's POV

"We're low on supplies." Astrid says after taking an inventory. The gang needed to make a shopping run. After landing in the market, Hiccup turns to the group.

"Let's split up. We'll get things faster that way. Astrid, you and Fishlegs go find the food we need. Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut will go get the building materials. Krystal and I will go find some weapons for sale." Hiccup states.

"Aw, why do we always have to go get building materials?" Snotlout complains.

"Because we can't trust you to get the other supplies." Astrid explains. The twins pout, but follow Snotlout anyway.

"We'll meet back here in an hour." Hiccup calls after them. Krystal grabs his hand and nods.

"Let's go."


Krystal looks around the market as Hiccup attempts to bargain for weapons. A dark shadow catches her eye and she could've sworn she saw a familiar face. One she hadn't seen since she was last in the market-place.

"Krystal. Earth to Krystal. Hello?" Krystal blinks out of her trance and sees Hiccup staring at her in concern. "Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Was just thinking." Krystal responds.

"Help me grab some of these." Hiccup asks. Krystal kisses the boy on the cheek in response, making him blush.

"You do know you don't have to blush every time I kiss you? Even if you are cute when you do it." Krystal laughs.

"I know. I know. It's still new to me." Hiccup smiles. Krystal blushes.

"You're cute when you blush too."

"Shut up."

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