Why do they hurt me

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Present events
Bakugou struggles to get out he know what's about to happen....

This chapter contains the
- rape
- cutting
- alcohol

bakugous pov
I try to get out of his grip as he enters me it fucking hurts bad he always does this every little chance he gets and if I dont obey the beating getting even worse than now and right n-OW

Third POV
Bakugous thoughts are interrupted by a sharp thrust into him as bakugou begins to feel sleeping and the thrust begin to a stop

Bakugou pov
I wake up and began to look around I see I'm in my room I must have passed out-shit I passed out when ever I pass out the next day I'm always beat half to death ALWAYS. I turn to my side to check me phone damn.. I have 1 hour to get ready for school was the beating that long? Or was I passed out for a long time.

Bakugous pov
I began doing the usual routine but this time I took longer as I stare myself down in the mirror I see my rib cage but I'm still to fat

'Nobody want you here just kill yourself'

The voices overpower my head I look to the mirror then to the razor in the basket next to my toilet I pick it up to my wrist 1..2...3...4....5...6..7..8..9..10..11... and I stop there when my alarm rings I quickly wrap my wrist put makeup on my bruises but u ran out for the big bruise on my face fuck I'll just have to deal with it

Third POV
As bakugous runs to class he notices todoroki passing by as they enter the class the questions began

Bakugous pov
"Are you okay?" "What happen" "omg" everybody is asking why I have a bruise on my face "omg bakugou you have a hand mark on your neck what happen?" My eyes widen shit I have to play it cool "nothing happen got into a fight that's all now leave me alone" ha they move out of my way. The rest of the morning I was dozing off I wasn't paying attention I already know everything there is to know and I didn't even know the bell had rang untill..

Todorokis pov(did not think that would happen soon did ya)
I saw that bakugou was silent today he didn't tell he even dosed off during class but what caught my attention is he was lying in the morning I know what ima about to say may be creeping, all weekend long I have been staring at bakugous house only two people came out his father and his mother I saw him go in on Friday but he never came back out so in the morning when I saw the bruise on his face and the hand wrapped around his neck i got suspicious but its probably nothing I get up as the bell rings for lunch I tap bakugous shoulder.. and he....

Ha cliffhanger

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