I-im not really fine

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Bakugou POV
   I'm hesitant to open the door but I do because my mother would just yell at me for not opening up and I didn't need anymore pain

  Flashback beginning third POV
As bakugou ran away from the kids we would like to call friends but he stopped and that when he realized he had ran all the way to the house he should call home but couldn't two cars had been home and well you can expect what happened next
  Flashback over

   Bakugous pov
My dad drunk so we'll see how this plans out.

  Todoroki POV
     Bakugou was an exact replica of his mother but in Male version she seems sweet but what really was off was bakugou he didn't have those bruises last week and I'm pretty sure some kids didn't do it just as mitsuki was talking a man who I believe was bakugous father stumbles in as if drunk "Hey twerp who are these kids"  and I sware bakugou looked as if he was gonna die at that very moment "friends s-sir they stopped by to see if I was alright and M-mother insisted on letting them stay" then his mother began to speak "Honey why dont you go out for  a bit" hmm a little wierd if you ask me I look over to momo to see she had gone upstairs and was waving to me to come too. As we enter bakugous room there us still NO bed theres furniture tho like a desk drawers and a little sofa so its something but who doesnt give there own son a bed

  Momo POV

I started inspecting his injuries "yaoyorozu it's fine I'm alright" I dont believe that for one second
  "Your are not fine this are horrific injuries"

"Really I'm fine I've seen worse"

"WHAT" both me and todoroki say

"I didn't mean it like that I meant ive been though worse"

Bakugou POV

"Bakugou what happens here" todoroki asked

"No like from fighting and all I dont mean to worry you but truly I'm fine you really didn't have to check up on me it was a waste of your time and resources "
I open the door to my room as to let them out I hear the door shut but I still feel as if someone is still here I turn to see shoto todoroki

  "Umm bakugou"
   "Your cute"  my face heats up as he says this we just tells someone ther cute well momo tells me that all the time

  "Umm what?"
"Yeaj your cute not just cute but handsome and kind and sexy you know I would totally fuck you but we minors so that will have to wait i mean we could still have sex if you want..but what I'm trying to say us I would like to take you out on a date mabye tomorow if you free?"
   "Well todoroki I....

   To be continued tomorrow......

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