You are just adorable pt1

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Momos POV
   As we get into class and sit down me sit on my chair bakugou next to me sketching while still holding my hand I feel someone staring. As I turn around I see todoroki imma go talk to him
  "Babe I'll be right back"

"W-where are you going?"

"Just to speak with someone across the room I'll be back"

"Okay" He also gets like that when I'm going somewhere he says it because he thinks I'll abandon him but I wont not even when were pro heroes.
"Hey todoroki"

"Oh hello momo"

"So.. why were staring at me and katsuki?"

"First name basis I see"

"Yes we are and me and  katsuki dont appreciate your staring"
I know what you may think I'm being a little rude but I'm mean come one do you expect me to be nice to the one who almost took advantage of my friend  (oh plot twist and Keyword: almost) 

"Alright then"

Theres only four people in the room me, todoroki,bakugou, and iida

What do you think will happen in this chapter?

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