Jealously or dare

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Third POV

Bakugou and shinsou had spend all day together because of school being cancelled he could walk to todoroki as it being 'to freakin cold' in bakugous words.

Bakugou didnt mind though, of course he wanted to see his boyfriend but it felt good hang out with shinsou.

He really started to feel as if he and shinsou were family.

And one thing he loved about shinsou was how he always came up with good plains  like right now.

They were in shinsous room because of katsukis words 'he has a comfy bed' when shinsou had thought of a plan.

Shinsou began

"You do know I wuv u right?"

Bakugou gave a  look as if to say 'where you going with this'

Bakugou took a sip of juice while he waited to for shinsou to continue.

"Okay so I thought about a plan to make both todoroki and kami jealous"

"I'm all ears hitoshi"

*time skip*

Third POV

They were at momos they had told her the plan and convince her to make a party.

  So there there were Todoroki, bakugou, shinsou, kaminari, momo, mina, jirou and others.

  The plan was momo dares mina something to make it look normal then mina draw shinsou to act like bakugou and him were a couple the whole night.

  It wasnt that much of a plan but they would just see how it goes afterwards.

  Soon it was minas turn,

Mina: "Hmmm...Shinsou jealously or dare or both?"

Jirou: " Wait you can do that pick one or both?"

Momo whispered: "yes now hush its gonna get interesting"

Shinsou: "Mm Both"

Mina: "I dare you and bakugou to act like a couple like make out stuff like that the whole night"

Shinsou:" okay but what's the jealousy part?"

Mina: "well your boyfriend arent gonna like it silly"

Bakugou POV

  The plans in motion shinsou hot up as me and him walked to the corner laughing with me sitting on his lap , I mean I didnt really mind this was like a everyday thing.

  The game still continued as me and hitoshi wanted to test the water.

  Me and shinsou had started to make out like  tongues and all both of my legs on either side moaning every now and then just for the heck of it.

  And from the corner of my eye I see shoto most likely gonna murder him so we stop we dont want this to become a crime scene now do we.

  And kaminari well let's just say hes to much of a shocked bottom to do anything.

  Ooh looks like the fun just began...

To be continued...

   And please if your just gonna leave hate comments then dont leave a  comment at all, I dont wanna seem rude but I work really hard on this and hate comments dont make me feel all that great.

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