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"Ok but am I the only person who thought that Uzui was bald at first—"
— Author-dono


I swiftly caught Tanjiro bridal-style from falling onto the ground, and landed a good distance away from the demon in case.
The demon's body started to dissolve and crumble, with this ash-like smell. Tanjiro gave him a pitiful but kind glance, and I felt mixed feelings. Should I be happy that we survived? Or sad because we killed a living being?

Tanjiro jumped out of my arms walked towards the demon, and I hesitantly followed.

"What a sad scent..." he said, and held the demon's hand. I copied his super-smell, and honestly the smell of sadness hit me like puberty to a 12 year old boy. I had to stop myself from crying.
How could Tanjiro even bear the smell?

"I hope when he's reborn, he won't end up a demon." He said, letting the last of them dissolve, and disappear.

I sighed, exhausted. "Now Sabito and the others who were killed can rest.."

I felt a falling sensation before finishing the sentence, eyelids feeling heavy, and allowed the dark to engulf me.


I woke up, but didn't open my eyes. Mainly because I was lazy to. Until I realized—

"TANJIRO YOU BETTER BE ALIVE ASSHOLE OR I WILL CHASE YOU INTO HELL MYSELF!!" I screamed, bolting upwards, eyes easily adjusting in the cave.

"(Y/N)!" Tanjiro squeaked, seeming relieved. "I was worried about you! You were asleep for a entire day!"

"Bish seriously?" I say, in shock, hand covering my mouth. "That's a new record."

"It was hard fighting when there's someone unconscious I need protect y'know!" He pouted, moving over to sit next to me.

I giggled. "You cinnamon roll. C'mon, I'll give my shining prince a hug—"

He hesitated, but I practically leaped on him, letting go after a few seconds.
His face was read, stuttering 'thank you's.

Such a cinnamon roll.

I giggled. "It's gucci. Oh, and where are we?"

"It's in a small cave I found as shelter. Good thing it's afternoon, we still have time to rest before it's night."

I thought for a moment. "Should I leave?"

"H-huh? Why?"

"I don't know, it sorta feels like we're cheating— totally not like I hate cheating but you probably do."

"I mean, if you want to, sure."

I— KHSKSHKSGS YOU MAKE THE CHOICE BITCH—. I mentally sigh, since I tend to prefer it when others make decisions for me.

"I'll stay for another day or two and then we can say bye for another few days I guess..." I say, then switched topics. "WanTan, I'm hungry."

Tanjiro scratches the back of his head nervously. "I couldn't really find food..."



Few days later brought to you by the question of if Giyuu has cake or not. I mean— 👀

One morning I was running around and looking for something to do, and then somehow ended up in the part of the forest filled with wisteria flowers.

Copycat (KNY x BNHA reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now