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[2nd person]

You were looking in your cupboards, trying to find something to give you enough sugar to forget what's about to happen.

Of course you just had to find literally pure sugar aka popping candy. You took out 5 packets of the sweet and gave it to the 4 idiots, keeping one for yourself.
"What does this say?"
"It's in English I think"
"It's called popping candy"
"What does it taste like?"
"Try it and find out"
Whilst they try to find out if it's poisoned you rip open the packet without yeeting any anywhere like a boss and chugged that shiz from the packet.

Knowing now thats its not poison in a packet, the 4 musketeers open it and do exactly the same as you did (chug it) and their eyes widen after hearing and tasting the pops in their mouths.
"WHAT IS THIS!" yelled a confused Kags,
"I DON'T KNOW BUT I LIKE IT" yeesh calm it down Hinata
"MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE!" chant the immature second years ripping open the plastic even more (if thats even possible) and licking it? (this is where y'all tell me i'm running out of ideas).

~time skip to after their seizure over the popping candy~

"We should really get to studying again now" you started ",you still have to pass don't forget, and you're not doing too well right now" you finished while deadpanning slightly.
"Ok" they replied simultaneously which was honestly sort or creepy.

~time skip to when they're about to leave~

"See you guys at school then"
"BYEEE (Y/N) THANKS FOR STUDYING WITH US" shouted the more energetic ones whereas Kageyama replied with a simple 'bye' and a 'thanks'.

Nice to know you had made some friends.


(A/n) - Hey anyone who is reading this I just wanted to say hey

luv y'all

Edited ✔︎

Edited ✔︎✔︎

These Idiots... | Haikyuu!! Various x Fem! Reader | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now