Chapter 135: You Changed Me

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Authors Note: Just want to post a quick credit to the video game "Beyond Two Souls" for inspiration for part of this chapter.

Chapter 135: You Changed Me


Alicia's Point of View

I watched Zak pace around my hospital room, seemingly distracted by whatever thoughts were running through his head, when I started to feel strange.

Even though I was clearly having an out of body experience, I found myself suddenly feeling short of breath and light headed. It didn't make sense to me. How could I feel this way if I wasn't even in my own body?

Then chaos ensued.

The machines my body were hooked up to started beeping rapidly, all at once. The first one I focused on was the heart monitor, and I could clearly tell something was wrong.

Then the hospital room disappeared, along with everyone in it, and I found myself in what I could only describe as a long, seemingly never ending, hallway. There was a wall on either side of me, and they seemed to go upward far beyond my eye could see, as there was no ceiling above me. There was a white, semi blue light shining from the "end" of the hall.

The walls on either side of me seemed to be made of some kind of liquid, because they were moving in a slight wavy motion, and the light was reflecting off the surface. Even though both walls looked the same in one way, in another way they were entirely different.

On my right, the wall was dark, almost pitch black, and had a smoky affect to it. I found myself feeling the urge to walk to this wall, even though I had no idea what was going on.

I walked up to the wall until my face was mere inches away from the surface, and I reached up and slowly touched the wall with my hand. I was stunned to be able to touch the surface, but felt no liquid on my hand. I also had the distinctive feeling I could push my hand through the surface of the wall if I wanted to.

Suddenly, within the darkness and smoke, I saw the scene of what must have be happening in my hospital room at that moment. I could see Zak, watching the activity from a short distance away from my hospital bed. Meanwhile, Dr. Hamza and two nurses were working on me. First compressions, and then shocking my body with a defibrillator.

Why was I being made to watch these horrible things happening to my own body?

When I pulled my hand away, the image vanished, and I had no further understanding of what was happening.

I turned to face the other wall, a part of me also feeling drawn to this wall as well, and walked up to it.

This wall was bright, almost painfully bright. It was a combination of blue and white colours, almost like the sky on a bright sunny day. Judging just by looks alone, this wall was definitely more appealing. But what would I see behind it?

As I had done with the dark wall, I slowly lifted my hand and touched the wall. The image that appeared before me brought tears to my eyes.

The bright, sunny day scene remained, but three people appeared.

My mother, my father, and my sister.

My mother and father had an arm around each other, and Emily was standing in front of them. Both my mother and my father had their free hands on her shoulders. All three of them were smiling, and something inside me told me that they were free from pain, worry, and fear. They were together, happy, and they beckoned for me to join them, just by the looks in their eyes.

I stared at them in shock, in sadness, and in longing. I had never seen my mother and father during all of the paranormal experiences I'd had throughout my life. And now they were here, along with my sister, mere steps away.

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