Chapter 8. Feasting on the flowers.

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Saturday morning arrived, and we were already getting ready to clean as much of the greenhouse as we could before Victor arrived. I had already resigned to not being able to clean it entirely, much less as thoroughly as I wished. But just before we got our hands dirty, an attendant came to tell me we had visitors calling for me.

—Good morning —the young woman said, slightly bowing her head towards me.

His companions mimicked her. One of them was an old yet slightly buff man. The other was younger, barely an adult, dressed as a mage. The woman wore light armor and had a sword tied to her belt.

—We are here to fulfill the quest posted by Madame Dragonroot.

—Um... I think you might have misunderstood the quest, we needed help cleaning a greenhouse —I said.

These people were clearly adventurers, the kind of people that go to the wilderness and battle against monsters.

—We understand that, and we believe we have the adequate skills. If you show us to the greenhouse, we will be able to show you that.

I still had my doubts, but I was intrigued. I guided them to the backside of the house, where the garden, the gazebo, and the greenhouse were. I stopped by the gazebo for a moment, were Violett was sleeping on a stroller I had discretely bought on our last trip to the city. Sophie was watching over her, as I had convinced Carmila to let me help with the cleaning. I was only supervising, though. After confirming Violett was still sleeping, I took the trio to the greenhouse.

—This is it.

—Ho ho, I see it is quite dilapidated —the old man said, stroking his beard.

—Gramps! —the young woman said, embarrassed. She pulled the old man's cheek until he apologized.

The young man taciturnly looked around, to the pile of trash we had taken out, and to the even bigger pile that still remained inside.

—Is there a chance anything of value might be among the rubbish? —he said.

—Ah, I... don't think so... —I replied.

After finding the Seed of Ygdrassil, the maids had looked all over the greenhouse just in case there was another mysterious treasure hiding there. They just had found dust and dirt.

—Very well.

He raised his wooden staff towards the greenhouse, as glowing letters started to appear in front of it. I was marveled, as this was the first time I saw magic being used since I had regained my memories. I was a bit less thrilled when he shot a fireball towards the greenhouse's interior and caused an explosion. The long glass panels blew apart in pieces immediately, but neither the shards nor the flames reached us. Even the sound of the explosion had been muffled.

—WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! —the woman yelled, trying to shake him by the shoulders.

—Don't distract me, Anna. I might mess up the spells and we might all die —he said, completely calm.

—You need to relax a bit, Anna. Humans have to live to their limits —the old man chimed in, as if imparting ancient knowledge.

—Shut up, Gramps! What are we going to do if Lady Dragonroot knows we cleaned his greenhouse like this?!

—As long as it is clean, it doesn't matter how we do it —the mage continued.

And with a flick of his staff, the explosion died out suddenly, and all of the shards returned to their original places and fused seamlessly. Even those that were broken or cracked beforehand were fixed. They were not even stained.

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