cup one.

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     If it wasn't for the slow speed of the ticking time, shinwon wouldn't be sitting in his lounge doing nothing.

He played, He studied, He stared. And yet the time was still slow - such a never ending pace that eats shinwon inside and out.

Crumpling the wrapper of his eaten burger, shinwon was stuck to stare at his room wide ceiling as he listen to the blasting of 1975, The 1975.

He was bored but too tired to socialize, even too tired to sleep. It was as if his body refuses to shut down because it was too fed up to shut down, begging shinwon to do a physical activity.

Walk. Run. Anything.

Anything as long as its not sleeping and yet...shinwon closed his eyes. Just closed his eyes, as the ending anthem of the music closes.

And he fell asleep, again.

It was as if his body has no control of shutting down because the owner did want to shut down.

Shinwon was like that, wanted to live but doesnt do anything to exactly live.

Its shit.

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