cup fifty-three.

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     'He's dead you know.' His hyung answered as hui asked on the third day of his visit.

The answer wasnt something he didnt expect. The last man he ever trusted in his life was now dead. Hui was supposed to be happy, but now he just feel bland - as if asking why a stranger wasnt alive anymore.

'Prison breakout at 2026, well that was..Two years ago? jun made a jump but forgot that the bars have electricity. It was gruesome.'

Hui made a stop sign as he forced himself to rerase the formed image in his head. The handsome face of jun now deathly pale with the lack of flowing blood.

It made hui sick and so he asked about his brothers wife.

A police women at this prison cell, how they did it? Hui was left to wonder. But it was amazing to know that the growing child was now in kindergarten.

'Hui before you go, can you grant me a favor?'

'What is it?'

'Could you visit Kim at the Solar Nursery? She never knew my face but I wanted her to know that her papa is waiting to be freed out of here.'

Hui smiled at his brother.

And his brother smiled at him too.

He had finally let things go.

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