cup thirty-one.

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      'Tell me son. What's behind this faćade of yours?'

Straightforward. Direct cut. No other words to tell. It made hui hold on the chair, squeezing it a little tightly.

Confession of one secrets and knowing that the man in robes knows that he was hiding,

Made hui tremble in fear.

'Im scared.'

'Of what?'

Symphaty and emphathetic touches.

It had an impact on hui.

'Shinwon. He's bringing it all back, the past Im keep on hiding.'

Hui knows that Shinwon wasnt like the others, he was something. But just like any other trauma.

You cant just shake it off your shoulders and throw it after meeting the man who could heal you.

It wasnt like that.

Life wasnt a fairytail.

Him deciding to leave Kopi Factory - proves that.

Kopi Factory ;HuiwonWhere stories live. Discover now