cup eight.

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     The tranquility of the quiet store was the same of the gray haired boy in front of him. The boy joining him while working hours wasnt something that shinwon had expected.

He just deemed that hui was the type that doesnt want to be disturbed when still working but he proved him to be wrong when hui took two coffee, both of the cups in a dark shade of red.

Shinwon got what he wanted to happen but he doesnt know what to do with it.

But just like shinwon, hui just looked out of the window, hands pressed tigthly - here inside the cafe but it seems like he were somewhere else.

Shinwon was bothered by the fact that this silent conversation of theirs werent going anywhere.

And so shinwon have to take a sip of his caramelized drink before blurting, "Why did you say that yesterday might be your last coffee?"

Hui with its comely honey gazed eyes, glanced at shinwon before taking a sip of his own. "Because like I said, it might be."

"What are you dying or something?" Shinwon joked. But when hui didnt answer, shinwons humor was lost in the air.

"So you're dying?" shinwon asked in a much more smaller voice but hui only smiled as he said no.

"You're kinda strange." shinwon blurted, glad that what he suspected was wrong - still an inner voice tells him something else was quite not right.

Hui then grabbed his cup of coffee as he stood up in an act of leaving the table before pressing his small palms on his apron and saying,

"This is no ordinary cafe, and we are no ordinary people." - "I know you like it."

And just like how fast he come and go, hui dispersed out of the silent cafe playing a melodic sonata. Leaving shinwon in his own aggreement and cold coffee.

He left the store and in hand was a cup.

It seems like a sin to leave it.

Kopi Factory ;HuiwonWhere stories live. Discover now