cup ten.

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     'Can we go out tommorow?' Hui said as his index finger scrapes one of shinwons nail.

'Go out?'

'Yeah, like a date.' hui said, as he looks up at the taller man. His eyes directly looking at shinwons'

'Why?' shinwon retorted, nothing to do than to look at hui who suddenly trapped him into his own eyes. It was still honey.

'Because I know you want it.' hui said before  glinting a little. A wicked gesture that adds to his charms, another thing that made shinwons' heart to beat.

'Do you want it too?'

'I wouldnt ask if I dont.' hui proudly said, all smug and smiles.

'Then the answer is yes, I would like to go out with you.' declaration were done and hui was satisfied that he faced front with its eyes light and lips curled up but a woman was staring at them that hui have to give a little sneer - it was a beguiling sight for shinwon, seeing hui get mad then going back to being demure and calm.

Shinwon thought about his expression more, their hands still tightly clutching to each other.

'I missed star gazing.' Hui suddenly spoke, his primitive was just to tell shinwon what he wanted to do for their date. He wanted to do it with someone he likes, and so was glad when shinwon kissed his knuckles in agreement.

And just like Hui, Shinwon was beyond glad that he wanted to do star gazing with him.

It was because he missed that too.

Kopi Factory ;HuiwonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora