Chapter 11

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Z: Hey Jonah, why do you keep trying to get me and Y/N together, don't you like her?

Jo: Of course I do but our relationship is just like brothers and sisters, I love her but as a sister

Z: Oh...

Jo: whereas you like her more than a friend and it's quite obvious so I'm trying to help you. We're bros after all

Z: Thanks man but I don't think she feels the same. She's not getting the hint

Jo: You want me to talk to her for you?

Z: If you could, please?

Jo: I will later on, I got you

Z: Thanks so much bro


I was in Zach's room when I looked out of the window and saw Jonah and Zach talking, what are they talking about?? I'll ask them later nvm...


Z: Hey Jonah, I changed my mind... I want to try to talk to her myself. I think it's much better to do that

Jo: sure! If you need anything do tell me, I'll always help you


After a while, I heard someone knock the door gently and looked through the door gap

Y/N: Come in

Z: Hey Y/N... I want to ask you the question now and I hope this question wont affect our friendship

Y/N: Sure, ask now

Z: *sigh* Do you like me?

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