Chapter 27

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Y/N saw Zach in his room packing for his tour that he was going on in 2 days. What happened in that 1 month? Nothing much, Zach continued taking her out on dates and flirting with her, Zach's feelings for Y/N deepened and Y/N's feelings for Zach started to develop. She knows She'll miss him but something held her back when she was on Instagram that morning so she decided to confront Zach about it. She took one deep breath before slightly opening the room door big enough for her to slide in. Once she was in the room, she held in her anger when asking Zach

Y/N: Hey Zach

Z: Hey Y/N, I was about to ask you if you would want to go on a last date with me tomorrow before I go on tour?

Y/N: Yea sure, maybe if you wouldn't go around flirting with other girls

Z: What?

Y/N: You shocked that I saw it all?

Z: Um I don't understand what you're talking about... ever since you came into my life I've only love you

Y/N: Mhm are you going to continue lying to me?

Y/N took out her phone and went on a picture she saved and showed it to Zach. It was a picture of a girl and him cuddling.

Z: no Y/N I can explain-

Y/N: I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses

Y/N go to leave but Zach grabbed her arm causing her to turn around.

Y/N: Zach let go

Z: I'm not letting go, you have no where to go please don't leave


Y/N scream with pain in her voice and tears falling. Zach has never seen this side of her so he was afraid but he didn't want to lose her so he continued holding her wrist, looking her in the eye pleading her to stay.

Y/N: I've warned you

Y/N said and a big slap went across Zach's face, making him fall to the ground and letting go of Y/N. Almost immediately he brought both hands to his cheek as Y/N looked at him for the last time before leaving the room and soon the house.


Zach was upstairs packing when I heard a loud sound, as if something shattered. I ran upstairs to check on what happened but when I reached the top, Y/N push past me with tears flowing down.

D: Wait Y/N what happened-

She continued running. Wait why isn't Zach chasing her?? I continue running to Zach's room to find him rolling on the floor in pain with a red hand print on his face, screaming the life out of him


Z: H-help me Daniel

D: What in the world happened???

Z: Could you get me ice pack and I'll explain

D: Um yea ok

I hurry downstairs to grab an ice pack from the freezer after checking with the boys if Y/N left the house or saw where she went. They told me she just ran out screaming at Jonah cuz he tried to stop her. Once I grabbed the ice pack I went back to Zach and drop the ice pack and started screaming

D: HOLY CRAP WHAT THE HELL ZACH YOUR FACE IS PURPLE (idk what colour are bruises when it first starts off so ye)

Z: It's fine Daniel, she just slapped me really hard. Pass the ice pack before it melts.

I quickly picked up the ice pack and passed it to Zach as he put it on his face

D: So what happened?

He told me what happened and I shook my head

D: Gosh if only she listened to you cuz now you're going to have a hard time to perform, I see your cheek swelling up

Z: Is it possible to postpone the dates? I don't want people to know that it's Y/N who did it and-

D: I get it, I'll try to talk to the management for you. Now you go take a break before it worsens

Z: Wait Daniel one more thing

D: yea?

Z: Could you help me check on Y/N if she's safe

D: She ran off already...

Z: Then I gotta go find her

Jo: The rest of us will go. I think you should call the management to explain

Jonah pops up from behind me and I got scared for a moment. Zach finally agreed after much argument and the rest of us grabbed our key while calling and texting Y/N. We tried those but we all know she will not answer so we just started driving around to search, especially at her favourite places...


A/N: Long chapter cuz I didn't post today!!

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