Chapter 15

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You sigh as you took your phone and walked downstairs.

Y/N: Hey guys! How was the interview?

B: It was amazing

Y/N: Also Jonah, could I talk to you outside for a moment?

Jo: yeah sure let's go

You and Jonah walk to the backyard and ensured that none of the boys could hear you from there.

Y/N: So... I'm worried for Zach. Like it's getting really worrying seeing him like this.

Jo: I know how you feel. Today during the interview he couldn't focus at all, usually he's the more talkative one but this interview he barely talked and didn't even answer the interviewer's questions.

Y/N: I feel that he is extremely angry at me for what I said yesterday and I hate myself for doing this to him... Plus ruining my friendship with him... I really need advice on what to do cuz I cant let this continue on...

Jo: I think I'll talk to him about how you feel but if you give him some time to cool down, he would eventually talk to you

Y/N: Hopefully he wants to talk to me soon and thanks so much Jonah for being here for me.

Jo: No problem

You two pulled into a hug then went back into the house. You noticed that Jonah immediately went upstairs, most likely to talk to Zach, so you just sit at the kitchen after you find chips and look through Instagram.


I wasn't asleep... I was faking it for Y/N to leave. I couldn't bare looking at her for another second. The words that she said to me yesterday kept replaying, and everytime it did, tears fall...

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