Chapter 24

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Zach stepped into the house with a rose for Y/N and was wearing his suit with a bow tie and had shoes that looks like they were just polished. Y/N covered her mouth, amused as Zach walked over and took her hand in his before saying

Z: Ready to go, gorgeous?

Y/N: You don't look too bad yourself! Let's go

They held hands and Zach opened the car door for Y/N then closed it before rushing to the other side to get in. Zach turned on the radio as they sang to the songs and soon, they reached the venue. It was Y/N's favourite place. The beach.

Y/N: Omg you remembered that I love the beach

Z: This is not all

He said as he covered Y/N's eyes and guided her to what he has prepared

Z: Tadahh!! Do you like it?

Y/N: OMG YESS! This looks so magical

Zach prepared a picnic with all of Y/N's favourite food and drinks and he even set up a tent behind the picnic with rainbow fairylights and everything looked amazing. They sat down and began eating

Y/N: How did you know I like these?

Z: I mean... if I like someone then obviously I'll put in effort to remember what they like

Y/N: aw Zach. I think if you keep bringing me on dates like this I'll eventually fall for you sooner than I thought.

Z: Oh my gosh really?!?

Y/N: I think so yea

They both laugh and continue eating. Once they were done, they cleaned up everything and went to chill in the tent. They lay down facing the sky and looked at the stars. Soon, Y/N fell asleep next to Zach. He turned to look at her and carried her bridal style to the car before driving off to go home.

A/N: I honestly don't know why the tent I described has a hole on top for them to see the stars but just imagine it :) Brain sort of malfunctioning at 1AM

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