Chapter 29

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The boys drove quickly from where they were back to the house to pick up Zach. Once they were there, Zach hopped in and quickly told the boys the way to go there.

Z: She told me that she goes there to clear her mind. The other cliffs are further so she goes to this one.

D: Ok so a right turn here?

Z: Yes I really hope she's still there. When we go there can Jonah please go talk to her first. I don't want anything to happen especially if she sees me immediately

Jo: Of course. I'll try to talk to her about it and bring her away from the cliff then when she calms down, Zach can talk to her

Z: Thanks Jonah, I think I'll wait in the car and you guys bring her here.

Soon enough they reached the bottom of the cliff, Zach started hiding in the boot of the car while Jonah started walking up the cliff, followed by the other boys


While I was walking up, I was really afraid Y/N wasn't there.

Ja: JONAH! Are you okay buddy? You didn't answer us when we called you

Jo: Yea I'm fine, I'm just worried



I was sitting on the floor looking at the sky when I heard voices so I turned around

??: Jonah! are you okay..... when we call you....

Did I just hear Jonah's name? Nah it can't be, they don't know this place, I think I'm hearing things. I turned back around and closed my eyes and continued calming myself down.

Jo: Y/N! There you are, we've been worried sick!

Y/N: J-Jonah... How did you guys know I'm h-here?

I look at each of their faces worried that Zach is here

Jo: He's not with us. You left a huge bruise on his face but I think you should know what you saw in the picture...

Y/N: Could I please just stay here to clear my mind. I don't feel like talking about it now.

Jo: You wanna go home? You can stay in my room

Y/N: ok fine but you guys gotta help me if he comes

Jo: ok

I followed the boys back to their car while Jonah held me knowing I was going to break down any second. Once I got in the car at the back between Jack and Corbyn while Daniel was in the driver's seat and Jonah sat in the passenger seat.

Z: So you ready to talk yet?


Z: I'm the only one who knows you go to the cliff and I clearly care for you so here I am

Y/N: Save it, you can go care for that girl you were cuddling with. Corbyn let me go out

Corbyn didn't move instead he locked his door. Wow ok

Y/N: Jack let me out.

Jack did the same as Corbyn

Y/N: Wow you guys betrayers. Fine Zach what do you want

Z: I was not with that girl-

Y/N: What now? Are you gonna tell me its photoshop

Z: No as in that photo was taken at the start of the year when I was forced to date her for publicity but it became really toxic so I broke up with her and since then she wanted to get back at me or any girl that I hang out with.

Y/N: Why didn't you tell me about her

Z: I thought she would leave us alone, plus we are not together yet. I didn't know she would continue doing it. She even asks her friends to make fan pages to post mine and her pics together to make people think we are still together. I was hoping you wouldn't get affected by it but I guess not

He said disappointedly while still holding onto his face

Y/N: Woah I'm so sorry about that slap... I should have listened to you... Let's go home and get that treated

Z: Do you forgive me?

Y/N: Of course I do! In fact I should be the one asking for forgiveness cuz I didn't listen to you and gave you that injury...

Z: It's ok, I just don't want to lose you. Please, next time don't believe everything you saw on the internet

Zach flashed a weak smile and I side hugged him since I cant reach him.


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