Chapter 39

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Once they've reached the venue, Y/N pulled over her hood and walked in between the boys as they started walking out of the bus. The loud cheers from the limelights waiting outside really showed their fandom spirit and how much they supported the boys. They quickly rushed into the venue through the backdoor and started sorting our their outfits for the show later.

Y/N: That was crazy...

Z: This is only the start, wait till they get in

Y/N: Oh god...

There was still some time so Y/N and the boys just hung out backstage and took some goofy mirror pictures.

Manager: Ok boys go out and do your sound check, Y/N you may stay here or stay next to the stage, it's up to you

Z: Please come Y/N

Y/N: Ok then

They walked hand in hand until they reached the stage where the boys fooled around for soundcheck (just like their ig stories) From backstage, you could hear limelights screams as they could hear the boys. They finished sound check and went to take a break before the vip upgrades started.

Z: Babe, later I want you to be on the side of the stage before we end it off.

Y/N: Sure but why?

Z: You'll see later


C: *gives his speech*

Z: And today we would like to invite someone special on stage who has always been encouraging us, Y/N to sing this last song with us!

Zach waves at Y/N to come over, she shakes her head no but Zach insists so she hesitantly walks on stage towards Zach and whispered

Y/N: Zach what are you doing?! You know I hate being on stage and even worse singing

Z: I know what I'm doing, trust me and sing your heart out tonight

Y/N starts retreating backstage when Zach held onto her wrist and gave a 'please' look

Y/N finally gives in looking at thousands of limelights waiting for her. She walked closer to Zach's mic as he pulled her into a hug and the fans all started chatting among themselves.

Z: Tonight, the boys and I want to thank all of you guys, even the ones who didn't make it to the concert, for making our dreams come true. and I want to thank Y/N for giving me a chance after she friendzoned me, to make her my girlfriend.

The crowd cheered even louder making Y/N feel scared, she took a few small steps back trying to breathe normally when Zach held her hand tightly, giving her courage to step back up. She looked back into the crowd and heard a girl screaming


Y/N: Aw thank you so much

Y/N took a final look at Zach and then the rest of the boys and nodded her head. Corbyn started off first and Y/N joined. The whole crowd was in shock of Y/N's voice and sang along, it sounded heavenly. When the song ended, everyone put down their instruments and did a group hug while Y/N cried tears of joy seeing people being so supportive of her. All of them then linked hands; Y/N, Zach, Jack, Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel and bowed to everyone on each side of the stage then ran backstage.

Y/N: I hated you so much for that but I really enjoyed it.

Z: Told ya

They all hug again, celebrating that their first and most memorable show of the 8 letters tour is done...

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