Chapter 16

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I sat up on my bed and tried to keep my cries in when I heard someone knock on the door.

Z: Go away Y/N let me sleep

Jo: It's me Jonah, you can go sleep

Z: No Jonah it's fine come in

Jonah came in the door and noticed that I'm in a mess,


Z: Nothing much, just crying again

Jo: No bro like you're really pale

Z: I don't feel too well but I think I'll be fine

Jo: No we are gonna stop tour until you get better

Z: There's no need for that. The damage has been done, just leave it

(I honestly dk what my brain is making me type at 1AM)

Jo: Talk to Y/N please. Something can be done I'm sure. Y/N is a sweet girl and is not so cruel if you try harder to win her heart.

Z: fine... could you call her here so I can talk to her while I go find some medicine to take? My head hurts

Jo: sure, good luck dude!

We did our WDW handshake and Jonah left to go downstairs. I look around and saw pills for headache so I took some as I heard Y/N coming upstairs. Well... here goes nothing

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