Chapter 22

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Y/N woke up but Zach was still sleeping and holding her hands. She looked at him and lightly squeezed his hand which caused him to slightly wake up. When he opened his eyes, he look at Y/N and noticed that she was smiling under her breathing tubes. Zach sat up and held her hand tighter

Z: Y/N! You're awake!

Y/N: Yea...

Z: oh um sorry

Zach took away his hand from Y/N thinking she didn't like it

Y/N: Its okay Zach. I heard about what happened and care to help me regain my memory?

Zach's face lit up and nodded his head happily. He starts off by showing her some photos they took together, when they first met, when they were cuddling, everything they took together. Then he starts telling her some stories and suddenly, Y/N groans loudly and starts holding her head as if it hurt a lot. That worried Zach so he went closer to Y/N to hug her as an effort to calm her down. Once Y/N was in Zach's arms, she was feeling safe and much better. She almost instantly look up and gripped Zach's arm hard

Y/N: I remember everything now Zach! I remember everything!

Z: OMG that's amazing!

Y/N: Thank you so much!!

Z: Also, before anything happens, do you want to go out with me tonight on a date?

Y/N: Hmm your first move huh

Z: Of course!

Y/N: Fine but because you showed you actually cared about me. The next times won't be so easy

Z: Yes mam come on let's get you signed out and go home to get ready

Zach went to the counter while Y/N packed her things in a bag and once Y/N was signed out, they left to go back to the house

A/N: I do not know how regaining of memories work so um the story probably sounds weird as heck but just go with it

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