Final Plans

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"What?" Rime finally broke out of her stupor. She realized how exhausted she was and groaned. Where was she now?" Rime wondered. She remembered the portal. Then fighting that bastard nergigante and the fire demon. And then...

"The song..." Rime whispered. It was so mellow, soothing. Too perfect. Like whatever it was was trying to control her.

Where was she now? Chained up in a prison cell lined with paperish walls.

"You're awake. Time for questioning."

A yellow and black insectoid winged dragon said from outside and openned the cell door.

*back in Pyrrhia*

"Status report." Clash said.

"Luna's asking questions." Darkstalker answered.

"For how long now?"

"About a month."

"Wait WHAT!?!?!?!?" Winter, Quilbi, Clash and Turte exclaimed at once.

"But when!??!!? But how!?!?? How long do we sleep!?!!?" Turtle exclaimed.

"The damn author just got hit by finals week." Darkstalker chuckled.

"Author?" Everyone but Clash asked.

"Clash?" Darkstalker was ready for orders.

"Redoo the conversation." Clash ordered.

"Alrighty." Darkstalker snapped his fingers and the universe reversed by about 30 seconds.

"Luna's asking questions." Darkstalker answered.

"For how long?" Clash asked.

"About an hour." Darkstalker answered and went back inside.


"What kinda supplies do we need for this?" Clash asked.

"There's food, we can do that. Water's covered for seawings. What about you?" Quilbi said.

"I can last a week or two." Clash said.

"Hey, scavengers use logs and stuff to float right?" Darkstalker peered his head out.

"I believe, yes." Winter answered.

"And they use that for sea travel, yes?" Darkstalker added.

"Human travel from the western coast to the sea kingdom islands using such things has been recorded, yes." Winter flipped through his notes.

"Then why don't we do that?" Darkstalker said.

Quilbi: ...

Clash: ...

Everyone: ...


"Alrighty, so how do these things work, anyway?" Clash said.

"Well, they appear to be using giant sticks with flat ends to push them, but they used sails to catch wind currents for long distance travel." Winter looked into his notes once again.

"Alright. Darkstalker!" Clash called.

"On it." Darkstalker snapped his finger and trees of the surrounding forest melded together into a giant wood structure. Eventually, the mass dipped into the sea and shaped itself into a giant sailboat.

[DISCONTINUEDIT'SDEADDON'TREADIT] Clash: The NergiganteWhere stories live. Discover now