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Heyyyy 👀 how ya'll doinnnnnn

Sorry I been gone for so longgggg 😗😗 Adulthood hit me like a TRAIN and it carried me to hell and back 😅 I'm 21 now and I started this book when I was 15! If that ain't love then idk what is.

Yes I'm back writing but.. a little preface before I dive back into the book...

I love every single one of my readers. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YALL WHO KEPT THIS BOOK ALIVE! Seeing everyone still commenting and reading after so long just showed me that yall really fw a nigga 🥺 and I really fw yall too. Enough to where I'm going to finish the book and then some :) 

I plan on writing a couple of paid books. As everyone knows, I'm gay and proud and I might write a book targeted towards my community. I also have some other ideas still in the air of what I might write, but you guys will see when it comes. It'll still be on this profile so you won't have to search all across Wattpad to find me. If you want to follow my socials feel free to ~~ insta: (inkosixshay) twitter: (shaydaaplug) and even feel free to add me on snap and start a streak with me (trin4_jon3s) BUT do not add me on anything if you're below 17! 

As for this book I will try to update at least TWICE a week. If I forget, please hold it to me because you guys are my motivation! 

Always remember to 

Vote. Comment

~Trina J.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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