Chapter VI: - "Shere Khan"

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The Tiger had stepped forward over to where all of the wolf packs of The Great Seonee Hills had come to gather whereat they had so, with his quite cheeky sycophantic scavenging wild canine dog sidekick known as The Stripped Hyena Tabaqui, thus so following him and so thus at his side, all here so with the former limping slightly in his walk cycle, due to his slightly withered leg being on the ground whenever walking like how certain apes among simians and primates thus walk. Other than that his black stripped blood-like-red-resembling-orange-mixed-with-mild-yellow-hide like the kind that all among any Bengal Tigers thus including The Royal Bengal Tigers every bit as magnificent and all as so elegant whilst as ever - despite the scar on his left face that was with his left eye between it yet still so retaining the same colour as his right eye - mainly so dark green like blue yet also capable of turning blood-like-and-fire-like-alongside-dark-red-mixed-with-evening-sun-like-orange-like-fiery-yellow.

All turned their heads and watched as he and his companion had approached them. The Tiger had so eagerly licked his chops at the very smell of the Man's-Cub as he had come. Shere Khan, despite his leg problem, still was as massive in frame as any other among A Royal Bengal Tiger of a large frame composed of muscle even for any other in average type of a build. Shere Khan's muscles had rolled and flexed as much as they could - only upon account of his limp problem which was a minor one to him.

Baloo frowned in annoyance as his eyes' pupils had adjusted to his extremely irritated mood.

Bagheera frowned and flexed his muscles as if ready for a fight against Shere Khan.

""His Parents" .... are dead!" The Tiger had stated rather quite pleasingly in his deep underlying and growling tone thus to his voice, "For I killed them .... the both of them." And Tabaqui had giggled at his very words, as if he had been amused by them.

"So I must report that alas, there is no one to go whilst in order to come looking for him." Shere Khan said as he halted right from before whereat The Wolf Pack Council had gathered, rather quite haughtily in his demeanor and voice.

Many Of The Wolves had growled at him, or whilst all at the least so many among ones loyal to Akela whilst those most especially among ones resentful of his choice to allow the human infant to be taken in and of Baloo and Bagheera all had remained silent - as did their cubs.

"None I say to you from out of any of this whatsoever is any of your very concern, Shere Khan." Warned Akela.

"Wolf Pack Leader Akela, that quite small little Man's-Cub is mine! See I, Shere Khan, have already tasted its father's and as well as its mother's blood! Therefore I, Shere Khan, say to you all that all here whilst as The King Of Tigers, to kill that quite so tiny and little Man's-Cub is something that for me, indeed so .... without saying how so exactly is what itself is so and therefore by my statement ................ it is My Right!!!!!!!!!!!!" Demanded Of The Limping Tiger King out from the pack, "So I, Shere Khan, thereby demand that you give up and now over to me that Man's-Cub!"

""Your Right"?!??!?" Demanded Nisha with a growling tone, ""Your Right" according to which one from among The Laws Of The Jungles Amongst Alongside All The Wilds?!??!??!??!? For I, who am Nisha Nicknamed As Raksha The Demon, like with the rest of us The Wolves who are all to know all whilst as Free Peoples, do not take orders from any but whosever is one serving as Leader Of The Pack, not ever to include and also not ever from amongst some arrogant and conceited stripped-killers of any from among cattle or among Men, and furthermore, Lungri, that little Man's-Cub is mine and mine even if only to me!"

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