Chapter XV: - "Deep Breathing"

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The Fine Beautiful Morning Day Air was altogether quite still and silent, save for the rather very truly mildly breezy winds blowing on throughout the airs, although no trees were creaking or cracking, none of their branches were rattling and nor were all among their leaves dancing off until they all had reached down to the ground, even at the local water holes that were set nearby the path leading on up over to The Great Waingunga River - whichever themselves were rather quite so vast and plentiful in this area they were located in. See Mowgli later on went to one of said water holes whichever themselves were all rather very misty, and were up whereat not much of all The Sun's light was shining from throughout the areas from around it all, in part due to the fact that it was being shielded quite a lot by the thickness of all the trees in this area here. A small waterfall like the one Mowgli and Baloo and Bagheera had walked by in their conversation the day before this one had been floating on down throughout all of the so thick and rather very slightly yet also very mildly all but nonetheless still really muddy grounds and as well as the flat branches. Although all of this was not enough to shiver off the sweat and soil all from off of the young boy still, he took on up a look from around himself and then looked down at this one of several a quite a so huge water pool, before getting himself on in for a swim, taking on up a short run and then having jumped down into it all, splashing himself right on down ahead into there. The ripples had all charged up like a flock of birds that swarmed on whilst over in a straight line up to until it had then reached on up to the ground physical edge. Afterwards Mowgli rose on up to the quite so here very cloudy daytime sky like blue water surface, floating upwards and then did he take up some time to watch his view that was very slowly spinning around all as he had looked up through the tree branches to get a few glimpses whilst from out of of the skies' blue colours, however small that his glimpses each and all so were.

There Mowgli was feeling refreshed from out of all of whatsoever was going on from earlier this morning occurring here, back when Baloo The Brown Bear was having him jump from one over to yet another thus so here of a branch, and so up here rather most very especially with all the sweat and soil as having been thus swept away, and the boy had ended up breathing in the cool drips of all the small waterfall's spraying out of waters to evaporate into the thin air moving all about and around him. The waters continued to be lifting him up high just above all from out of the surfaces of the waters, giving him some pictures into his mind of him being lifted on right up into the air around him, with he himself as picturing his own self upon the surfaces of the white clouds set up from above him, but then a few moments later did some bubbles from the waters and the movement of some small fish on up from and had waved against and underneath his back, prompting for some giggling as the boy had then proceeded to dive right on down back into the waters for a swim with and to play around with all of them from under the waters, after taking as much of a so deep breath as ever so possible for him to first, indeed so of course, playing around with them all so even as he swam right on down to the so very rocky bottom of this water hole itself, whichever itself glittered from The Sun's ever so bright light - however short it had seemed here yet still so did it shine brighter and wider through the water surfaces, watching as the fish swam fast and were all passing on all by and from around the young boy whosoever was bigger than them. Even as Mowgli was seeming to have cornered them by a branch by the physical wall side of this here water hole itself, all of the fish were as calm as ever so and good with swimming passed and around him. They were each and all so having rather quite much fun at all this, right when all of a sudden, the fish very abruptly and so up here indeed rather very quickly swam away, as they themselves as was noticed by and he himself all but quite so soon enough had then noticed that a huge dark shape had just approached this area to take on up a drink from the waters.

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